1920s Life at the Wenonah Military Academy by Linda Haegele

Linda Haegele communicated with a number of Wenonah Military Academy alumni to help understand what daily life was like there in the 1920s.
Read per paper by clicking on the link below. But first a few words about the author.
Linda Haegele, a Gloucester County
College student wrote this piece in 1989 as
a research paper with help from members of
the Academy Alumni Association.
According to Mr. Joe DiLemmo, then
President of the Association, “Everyone was
most cooperative and as a result she
received an A+ for a grade.”
Linda's paper also once appeared in the Wenonah Historical Society newsletter and at least one error was corrected. The Wenonah Military Academy was founded in 1904, not 1902. Read and compare the PDF attached below with the newsletter version at this link.