Ethel Amanda Grosscup

Miss Ethel A. Grosscup, of Wenonah, Has Had Many and Varied Activities Will Sail for Madrid Next Tuesday at 23 years of age, Miss Ethel A. Qrosscup, of Wenonah, N. J has received an appolntment to the chair of Engllsh at the International Institute for Girls In Spain. She will sail from New York next Tuesday regardless of nny fear of submarines, and hopes to reach Madrid, where she is to take up her work, three weeks later.
Few young women have been honored as the daughter of Mr. Edward E. Grosscup, New Jersey's State Treasurer and chairman of the Democratic State Committee. When attending Goucher College. Baltimore, where she gained her bachelor of Arts degree, she was president of the Athletic Association in 1913-14. From 1910 to 1913 she was a member of the class basketball team and during these years was a member of the Athletic Board. She won honors in Baltimore as a swimmer in tho school contests, and when she went to the New Haven Normal School of Gymnastics for a post-graduate course she was elected captain of the senior baseball team, captain of the basketball team and made the senior hockey tenm.
Aside from her athletic activities, Miss Grosscup has been awarded numerous other school honors. She was a delegate to the Silver Bay convention of the Y. W. C. A. in 1911; vice president of her class, 1911-12; member of the student government council, 1911-12; member of the business board of the college paper, 1911-12; member of tho council of faculty and students, 1913-14; chairman of music, senior dramatics, 1913-14; and while at New Haven was president of the glee club, Camp Fire guardian, a member of tho Sword Society and a representative, of tho student government board.
In addition to these activities, Miss Grosscup found plenty of time to become an expert photographer, a vocalist, a pianist; to participate in dramatics, horseback riding, skating, swimming, boating, rowing, canoeing and sailing. All the while she was gaining her degree and mastering French, Spanish, German, Latin and Greek. In the odd moments between these she prepared for and became a Sunday school teacher and taught the college Bible class.
Born 23 years ago, Miss Grosscup is 5 feet 2 Inches tall, weighs 131 pounds and has never been sick. She is a Presbyterian in faith, although the Institution to which she has received appointment Is a non-sectarlan one, organized by the late Mrs. Alice Gorden Gulick, of Boston.
There is a page for Ethel's father on this site.
Ethel as faculty at Hollins College in Virginia where she was something like an athletics director.
Ethel is third from right in front row. 1922 Montclair State Teachers College faculty. Ethel served as head of the department of physical education and hygiene.