Wall of Heroes: 1st Lt. Arthur J. Holeton

1st Lt. Arthur J. Holeton served with the American Expeditionary Force, United States Army, during World War I.
He was a graduate of the Wenonah Military Academy, Class of 1912, and the Arthur J. Holeton American Legion Post 192 was named for him.
Holeton was killed after the Armistice was signed, while on a troop train, in Bordeaux, France, Dec. 21, 1918. [DNB on the photo above stands for Died, Non-Battle}
The Wall of Heroes honors the Gloucester County men and women who were killed in action or are missing in action while serving in the U.S. military protecting our freedoms and rights.
The Gloucester County Freeholder Board unveiled The Wall of Heroes on Nov. 11, 2010 at the Gloucester County Justice Complex featuring the likenesses of 100 Heroes.
There are at least 350 Gloucester County residents who never made it home, so there is more work to be done. The community’s assistance in identifying those residents who may be eligible to be placed on the wall is crucial.
The Wall of Heroes consists of framed 5-by-8-inch translucent artistic renderings portraying reasonable likenesses of the persons whom the county is honoring. The wall represents all branches of the military and they are arranged by era.
Because The Wall of Heroes features artistic renderings of those who made the ultimate sacrifice, photographs are of particular importance. If there is no photograph that can be found of the person to be honored, only the name and other key information of the military personnel will be framed on the wall.
Information, applications and eligibility can be found at http://www.co.gloucester.nj.us/depts/v/vaffairs/heroapp/default.asp or by contacting the Gloucester County Office of Veterans Affairs at 856-401-7660.
Retrieved from link below on April 18, 2018
Arthur J. Holeton as a Wenonah Military Academy Cadet.
November 1920,Arthur J. Holeton funeral on NW Avenue in Wenonah.
The funeral procession at the Wenonah Cemetery.