1923 WMA Grid Team Wins 4th Consecutive Crown

BEHOLD the gladiators of the Wenonah Military Academy in their Warrior garb. They are posing as titleholders For the picture that is herewith
presented. Reading from left to right, these cadets include in the back row: Shoemaker, Elliott, Boote. Bayuk, Frank, J. Woodburn.
Middle row: Manager Max, Zanger, Sparks, Jones, Eckert, Dingler, Tripician, Wallace, Holton, Pizzano, Burdan, Coach Baker. Sitting:
Purdy, Brodie, Rivas, Captain Scott Muir Stroh, Noss, F. Heburg, Goldenburg.
Read the story of their season in the newspaper scan linked below.
Reading from left to right: SEATED-Purdy, Brodie, Rivas, Captain Stroh, Noss, Freiberg, Goldenberg. MIDDLE ROW-Manager Max, Zanger, Sparks, Jones, Eckert, Dingler, Tripician, Wallace, Holton, Pizzano, Burden, Coach Baker. BACK ROW-Shoemaker, Elliott, Boote, Bayuk, Frank, J. Woodburn.