3 East Poplar St.
This 1925 photo of 3 East Poplar Street is the oldest of the four photos that Christian Limbert gave Carol Wiltsee. Janet Hutchinson Limbert, Christian's mother, is on the right and Valentine (Val) Roth, a long-time Wenonah resident, is on the left. Janet and Val were the grandchildren of Arthur E. Davis.
Winter scene at the same address circa 1935.
Winter of 1942.
Here's the third photo of 3 East Poplar Street (circa 1938). Christian Limbert's mother holds the child, and Edwin C. Roth, Val Roth's father and long-time Packard dealer in Pitman, leans against the column.
The house in the summer of 1942.
Another 3 East Poplar Street Short Story ........ Captain Valentine M. Davis, USN, son of Arthur and Anna Davis, U. S. Naval Academy - 1917, later Instructor at the Academy, and then naval ship Captain during World War II, lived at times on leave and in retirement at 3 East Poplar Street. Uncle Val allowed my brother and I to pretend by wearing his naval uniforms and hats as young boys. We would climb to the cupola at the top of the house, then pretend we were up high on the bridge sailing our ship. I could tell one thousand stories of times in Wenonah. Hopefully, others will share photographs of some of the other beautiful old Wenonah homes, then share their stories!! Thank you......Yours sincerely, Christian Limbert
When visiting friends in southern New Jersey, I will most times visit Wenonah to visit the Davis Family Plot at Wenonah Cemetery, but then simply wonder around Town and, of course drive by 3 East Poplar Street to relive old memories. One Saturday morning while driving alone, I decided to visit the Wenonah Library. While browsing, the Librarian offered her assistance. I simply stated, "My family lived in Wenonah for some fifty years and I was simply reenforcing my fond memories." The Librarian, "May I ask where your family lived?" Chris, "3 East Poplar Street!" The Librarian, "That's where I live now!!" Of course, Wenonah residents know that Carol Wiltsee is the Librarian! By coincidence, Carol is the person to whom I sent these wonderful photographs in 1992 thinking the current resident might like to see some old pictures of her house. The story does not yet end. Carol, "Would you like to see the house?!" Of course, every time I drive by 3 East Poplar I wish that I could enter and walk through. Carol called her now deceased husband, but he did not answer. Carol,"He's likely in the Barn working on his antique car. Please walk over and ring the bell!!" I did as Carol requested, but not without some hesitation across the street. The end of the story!...........Carol's wonderful husband ushered me for an hour through every nook and cranny of 3 East Poplar Street!! One can only imagine the memories resurrected during this journey that I will cherish for the rest of my life. Many thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Wiltsee!!...........Yours sincerely, Chris Limbert