Harry A. Stout, MD, Wenonah Physician

This Dr. Stout medicine bottle was donated to the Wenonah Historical Society by Chris DeMaise. He recently found the bottle among the roots of a large upturned tree on the Mantua Creek Trail in the Wenonah conservation area. Thank you, Chris!!
Dr. Harry A. Stout was a very prominent member of the Wenonah community in the 1890s and early 1900s. His role as a physician is noted in a Bob Shryock column dated March 17, 1985:
"Some of Mrs. Jones' fondest memories are of Dr. Harry Stout, a beloved, old-fashioned family doctor who for many years served Wenonah. There was no one he wouldn't go to help, regardless of the weather. He brought my sister (Estelle Silver) through spinal meningitis in the days when there were no wonder drugs. My sister was so bad, Dr. Stout even went to church asking for people to give prayers for her. But she recovered and is living in Haddonfield today.
Read more about Wenonah's early days and Dr. Harry Stout in this edition of the Wenonah Historical Society newsletter.
Dr. Stout was overworked, and he always undercharged. When he died at 58 from a heart condition, there were hundreds of thousands of dollars on his books he never collected. He could never be replaced in the hearts of the people he helped."
In April 1895, the Gloucester County Constitution noted: "Dr. Harry A. Stout is quite busy dispensing pills and plasters. This cold weather has caused a great deal of sickness, the prevailing disease or complaint being cold or la grippe."
Dr. Stout was again press-worthy in an October 1912 edition of the Woodbury Daily Times: "Munico Crogralia noticed a wire dangling on Mantua Ave. on Thursday morning and seeing that children could easily reach it, decided to see if it was alive. He pic...See More
In addition to being a physician, Harry Stout was a civic leader. He was one off the original trustees for the Wenonah Cemetery, the first treasurer of the Wenonah Military Academy, a member of the bond committee for the Wenonah Water Company, and a member of the first board of directors for the Wenonah Library.
Elinor Christina Stout was a daughter of Harry and went to Swarthmore College. Below is her senior photo class of 1919, she was born about 1897. He also had a son by the name of Wilson born about 1891.
You can see a photo of Wilson Stout by going to the link below and scrolling to the bottom of the page. He is the boystanding on the left end of the row.
Dr. Stout and his wife, Laura were buried in the Wenonah Cemetery and his gravestone and family marker are shown at the link below.