1934 Commencement at Wenonah Military Academy

Diplomas Awarded to 17; 13 Complete Post-Graduate Work
Wenonah, June 8 Seventeen cadets received diplomas and 13 postgraduates completed their work with the 30th annual commencement program at Wenonah Military Academy today. Clifford Greenig, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Greenig, Jr., Wenonah, received the highest honor, and a number of other South Jersey youths won prizes.
Robert Hughes, a member of the South Jersey Law School faculty, made tho address to the graduates this morning, after which Major L. L. Lammert, headmaster, announced the prize winners, and Major C. Meade Lorence, superintendent granted the diplomas. The fleld exercises this afternoon brought Colonel Edward B. Stone, commanding officer of the 114th Infantry, New Jersey National Guards, and his staff, for the military honors and group of marine officers from the Philadelphia Navy Yard as judges of the maneuvers.
Michael Cettei. son of Mrs. Elizabeth Cettei, 320 Stevens street Camden, was class valedictorian, and also recipient of Rensselaer Poly technic Institute medal for mathematics and science. Emit Muckenstrum, a cadet in the junior department, and son of Mr. and Mrs. Kmil Muckenstrum, 1250 Kaighn avenue. Camden, won second highest schol astic honors. William H. Wright, son of Dr. Frank A. Wright, Moores town, was one of the honor speakers, and Buell Snyder, Wenonah attained the medal for the best written senior essay. Isaac W. Budd, Camden succeeded to the award for the high est scholastic average.
Graduates were: Edgar 'S. Baum, Sellersville, Pa.; Roy V. Bolig, Selingsgrove. Pa.; Vincent A. Bertollnl, Philadelphia: William Cattell, Jr., Wenonah: Michael Cettei, Camden; Warren E. Engard, Oaklyn; James T. Goshn, Salem; Jack Guerard, Philadelphia; Kenneth A. Harvey, Vineland; Harry L. Howe, Jr., Philadelphia; Barnard H. Lorence, We nonah, Leonard P. Mayfalr, Chester, Pa.; Thomas J. Parlsse, Philadelphia; William L. Patterson, Ernest, Pa. Robert H. Senn, Egg Harbor; Buell Snyder, Wenonah ,and William H. Wright, Moorestown. Post-graduates were: Morton Concors, Atlantic City; Robert K. Cornman, Harrisburg, Pa.; Harry M Crist, Pitman; James L. Doiman, Pitman; W. Laurence Hall, Wood bury; James H. .Hammell, Haddon Heights; Robert Kauffman, Vork, Pa. ; Benson J. Marks, Bridgeport, conn.; juavld C. Mitten, Harrisburg. Pa.; James McCann, Scranton, Pa.; Anthony C. Scully, Paulsboro; Frank Tlghe, Pedrlcktown, and Thomas Weems, Atlantic City.
Upper photo shows C'apt. R, C. (holding; rifle) with Lieut. F. V. K. C. Evans, 114th Infantry of the Commandant of the Wenonah inspection of the cadets. Lower Philadelphia, retrieving Cadet Km II had fallen from the shoulders of the