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1872 Gazetteer and Business Directory of Otsego County, N. Y. by Hamilton Child,

In the PDF attached below you can view the pages of the directory that pertain to Morris, N. Y. and a map of Otsego County. Or you can download the entire 1872-1873 directory which runs 544 pages so expect the download to take few minutes.

If you want to look further back you can choose to download an 1813 Gazetteer of the State of New York by Spafford.

A copy of the directory that saw considerable use. It is over 140 years old. This copy was made available for photographing by Gary Somerville, who grew up in Morris and now lives in Chittenango.

End papers of the directory.

Rockwells Mills on NYS Route 8 north of Mt Upton is now a very nice restaurant.