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Broad St, 20

Two-story, side-gabled, frame house with two-story, gable-roofed back ell (added 1920s and expanded to current size with poured concrete foundation, 1980s) spanning part of the east wall. House retains partial returns and narrow frieze on rnain block. Regular period fenestration with two-over-two wood sash in plain casings; center entrance door has open pedimented porch (added 1940s). House recently renovated with wood shingle siding and new paint; otherwise largely intact. Built ca.1900.

Outbuilding: Two-story, gable-roofed, frame barn with vertical board siding and two wagon bays in south wall; oriented to Mill St.

Historic map reference: 1903: Wm. Churchill;

Historic notes; From 1984 inventory form: Built by William Churchill for himself in the 1870s, but form is atypical for that date.