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Main St, 138, McWilliam's Hardware, Morris Hall of Frames

138 Main St Two-story, two-bay, frontal-gable frame commercial building with later Italianate false front. Recessed storefront retains paired wood doors with glazed upper panels and display windows dating to the Italianate period; upstairs façade has bracketed frieze andretains windows with two-over-two wood sash and wood clapboard siding. Sides and back of building also retain wood clapboards. Built I 840s; remodeled 1865-85.

Historic map references: 1856: Watch shop; 1868: Store WRB; 1903: Mrs. A. Simmons;1916: storage

Historic note: From 1984 inventory form: "The building now occupied by the meat market next to Hoke's store was built in 184 [sic.]; but it stood on a Broad Street site directly opposite the Chronicle office and was occupied by Nathaniel Stevenson as a shoe shop. Later the building was moved to its present location and occupied by David Bresee as a tailor shop and then by James Little, merchant tailor. lt has been used for a market a long time with living rooms upstairs."
(uncited quote) Between 1873 and 1903. Jerry Dunkle had a barber shop there and then it became a meat market run by Schuyler Woodard. ln the 1920s, Hanthan Melick of Downsville head a two-week clothing sale twice ayear, one time being fair week, in the building.