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Morris High School Class of 1924

A photograph given to Ken Cooke by Ralph Aplin and now owned by Rene Elliott appears below.

The Morris High School, Class of 1924 is shown on the steps of the old high school.

I don't have a copy of the Morris High School yearbook for 1924. If anyone has a copy please provide us with a list of the graduates so it can be included here.

Rene Elliott provided the following information about this photo.

It seems to me that one of the Mansfield girls is seated in the front row?

Third row back, seated fourth from left with glasses is Bernold R. Shields, who went to work at the Linn Co. in the stock room and later as purchasing agent,
he would move to Buffalo in 1939 to work at the C5 production facility, and despite promises they didn't pay his moving expenses when the operation was
moved back to Morris the following year, he left soon afterwards and started a auto parts store up in Gloversville he ran until retirement.
To his right is my grandfather, Raymond "Sam" Elliott, who left school at the same time as Shield and others who had a disagreement with the
principal and went to the Linn Co. for work, on his 16th birthday, when his driver's license came in the mail, he began chauffeuring work for HH Linn,
leaving for the Adirondacks and Maine (as Gage told them the license would arrive, they were sitting in our driveway waiting for it).

Standing fourth from left in the fourth row, against the doorway, with glasses is Chuck Whitman, seated fourth to his right is Louis Light,
and to his right a Foote? Standing second from right is Chan Newton, whom my grandmother always considered a bad influence on my grandfather,
notable for owning a Hatfield touring car, which when he made it to school on time was mentioned in the newspaper, he later moved to
West Virginia? and stopped by to visit my grandparents about 1956 when visiting in town.

My grandmother was horrified when Chan once asked her out to the movies and showed up wearing an old sheepskin jacket.

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