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Main St, 136, W. R. B.Wing Store

136 Main St Two-story, frontal-gable frame commercial building (constructed 1832) with later, three-bay, flat-roofed wing extending commercial space eastward on Main St. Two-story, frontal-gable western portion built earlier. Eastern section retains Italianate false front with small single brackets in frieze; storefronts may reuse historic configuration, but all historic materials replaced. Built 1832; later Italianate east wing added 1860-1870s.

Historic map references: 1856: building mapped; 1868: Wing Store; 1903: V.F. Hoke

Historic notes:This commercial building was constructed by Chauncey Moore and Jonathan Lull in 1832 and replaced an earlier frame store, which opened onto Broad St rather than Main St. The older store building was, according to A.S. Avery, moved. The current building has housed many establishments, includiñg drug store and grocery store, run by a variety of proprietors during the nineteenth century.

The White Store on the Corner.

1869 Ad had readers tilt their heads to look at it.

Mr. Wing died at the young age of 42 according to the obituary in The Morris Chronicle in 1870.

Walter Wing was W. R. B. Wing's older brother, four years older.