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1918 May 1, The Morris Chronicle

Larry Gardner II donated this issue of The Morris Chronicle. It is missing from

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The text is listed below but has not been edited. It is provided to help you find which page has the text that might be of interest of you.

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PAGE 1 TEXT xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Miss Quimby



Welch's Shop, Morris, N. Y.

Rescuing Hettie
We Have A Few Girls'
His Daddy Has Gone To War
Welch's Shop, Morris, N. Y.
Buy Liberty Bonds!
BUY LIBERTY BONDS and give your child the opportunity of growing up in
a clean and splendid world
Carr Clothing Co., Inc.
200 Main St.
Oneonta, N. Y.
aure her drenm was coming true, and she asked the nurse when the Indy WAS, coming again.
"She didn't mention anything about coming soin," the answered. Then seeing the girl's disappointed look, who Added: "Tut I dare y he will."
"Of course the will." W Hettie's confident reply.
Hettie suffered a great deal of pain. But after all, she told lernell she must
expect that. All the girls on the screen By HI AKERS
who had acquired adopted mothers, And lived happily ever after, had it fered in some way before and.
The next day she was told i men (Copyright, by W. G. Chapman.)
wenger und come from Mr. Burlson, Hettie trudged back and forth from
and did he wish to see him? Of couro the box factory where he enred Just
she did.
Dough to pay for the little, cold bed. Priced $1 and $1.25 each--last summer stock. Will
A young man came in enrrying fruit on thy m ond the end one could not for one min clother with wire neeennny
e n taken the handsome close them out at the old price. The cloth in them is
Istene, or hou were longue hen
n e
quite pinin, worth doublo what wo ask for warmen The
pleasures few. Was it nny wonder whe
bronzed, lenn, and with the disadvanwent when she could to the nickel
tage of turn-up nose. But his eyer Ladies' Drosses at $1 aro going fast. If any are left
movies, and reveled in the delights of
were honest, his fnouth kindly, and his when this ady't is printed thoy are still on sale at $1 each
another world than hers? Even when
forin straight, and well knit. He came the Olios did touch her own world, and
with a toxture of pity and dimdence to the poor working girl was lured away
the forlorn little figure on the cot. Fro into perilous path, she so often wo
told her Mrs. Burison wanted to know rescued by handsome young men, or
bow she was, and hnd sent her the kind, rich women that she "lived hip
fruit and flowers. Inther awkwardly pily ever afterward." Hettie shrank
he told her how sorry he was. Then from entering the paths of vice. The
Hettie noticed he wore a chauffeur's movies hnd done much for her in the
dress, and guessed he was the one who way of waroing. more perhaps than
ran hier down. But she was too busy many sermons Inight have done. But
thinking of Mrs. Barison to bear him
she was only seventeen, and she POOR LITTLE KID! He has don on his arm he sees that big
nny krudge, and she asked him when wanted some of the good thing, some
the lady was coming? He did not neerd played hard all day with the toy soldier -- his gun in hand, his face set thing of the joy of life. She did not
to know, but said he would tell Mrs.
want to enter the horrors that hap soldiers his father brought home to him towards Victory.
Barison that she would like to see her. pened to the screen heroines, but she
The chauffeur en me every day to see the day he left for France. And he's
did want to be rescued."
her. The necond time it was to tell her
If only some rich woman would been keeping his spirits up because his And as the soldier goes "Over the
that Mrs, Turison was out of town, but adopt her. That was the dream thin
that she had left word for him to infather said to him-"Boy, take care of Top" he turns his head and smiles beenmo her constant componton. It
quire every day about Miss Hettie Bax
hund happened to these other giris quite your little mother-and keep her happy smiles a: th, boy who means so much
ter. She found out his name was Frequently, why not to her? The hand
Julius Frost, and was always glad to till I come home again." And he has to him- who stands to him for home, some young hero seemed such a remote
see him, because he brought some mes. To have witheld money from Washington might have
possibility, that the probability of bebeen trying very hard to back up that country, love, happiness, success-all
nge from her probable adopted mothing adopted appeared to be a great
er. Julius was at first so filled with prevented the founding of this Nation upon the corner stone of soldier in France. As his head sinks he holds most dear.
deal more likely to happen. In hier Liberty
remorse at having driven over the girl, prayers for the latter boon Hettie had
he was more awkward than usual in To have witheld money from Lincoln might have dashed Look well at this Child! He represents the future of America
especially stipulated that the wonian
expressing himself, but after time
must be rich, for to be adopted by a the Republie upon the rocks and lost the Liberty so dearly the future of Liberty-do your share to help his father win
this wore off a bit, and he cheered tho
poor woman, and put into the kitchen bought. the great fight for all the children of the world.
patient with Jolly stories, and cheering
to do all the work did not seem to offer To withold money NOW would not only endanger this
promises, of how he wanted to take n pleasing alternative. It might prove
her for some rides in that very car great glorious country but might lose Liberty for the whole
an even worse life than thnt of the box
when she was able to go. All this world.
seemed in Hettle's mind to point to the
Never having remembered her own Buy Liberty Bonds! Invest $50 or more for your
fnet of a probable adoption into the parents, there entered also into her
family. Children's freedom, your Grandchildren's safety,
dren in the longing for the kind of nf.
At Inst one day Mrs. Burison came.
section while only the mother heart your own happiness. Aren't they worth the price ?
very pretty benntifully can give. It is not to be sunboxed that she was
gowned young woman, much too young This space is made available to the Government for the
to be thought of as a mother, even in advertising of Liberty Bonde by the
adopted one, and she spoke to Hettie METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO.
in Lendl lim2
cold patronizing way that so
crushed and disappointed the girl, that
Avand 1 Successor to Carr & Buil, amounting to approximately four billions of dollars olnudnice
Jullas found her in tears. He was NO for whose protection this company is holding almost six hundred
kindly sympathetie that he drew from and fifty millions of reserves besides other assets. This com
her the US. She had hoped to find pany has subscribed for $10,500,000 of the new Liberty Bonds 78
would want her even and recommends them without qualification as the safest invest
take her in her homes her own LIBERTY Second Federal Reserve. District ment in the world. Its arents are at the same time in a cam paign to sell $65,000,000 of W. S. S. BONDS 120 BROADWAY, NEW YORK
Then Julius Yound volce for the words he had wanted to speak.
"Little girl," he said, "I want you HIIT T ITILLITI TIITTI
nwfully. I'd take better care of you
thinn Mrs. Burson. It wouldn't be lots times be the main prin of nction not BISHOP TUTTLES LOAN PLEA.
of money, but it would be a comfy lit. only in the purchinsel bonds, but in
te fint for you and me. And she never every other thing the good citizen does Though in his lghty.second year,
could love you halt as much as I do." in the support of his government in Bishop Daniel Sylvester Tuttle, pre
The answer must have been quite time of war. siding liend of the Episcopal Church in
satisfactory, for the day Hettle was An Essential Service, Dissouri, is keenly alive to every
able to leave the hospital on the arm "Let us not, therefore, consider the American's duty to his country. When
of Julius, she was heard to say softly he learned the great Liberty Lonn drive
to him: Those Who tal purchase of government bonds merely
"Honey, this bents getting Sell Immediately as a commercial or business transac was to begin on April 6 Bishop Tuttle
adopted like dollars do coppers." After Purchasing Do Not tion, merely as an lavestment, how
wrote in an Rutograph letter the fol.
lowing vir le message: ever safe It may be. Let us consider Help Nation, He Says. "Fellow Americans: All that we are
VESSEL IN CONSTANT PERIL it a privilege as well as a duty to per form this part of the essential service
In good will and strong nerve and all that we have of spare means should
Any Moment May Be the Last of Ship required of us so long as the war lasts. be at the service of our country, now
That Braves the Terrors of PRICES
"It is not enough to merely subscribe for bond. The che value of the that she is in a determined struggle
subscription lles In The fact that the
for her own safety and for InternaSize Price
tional rights and for freedom and jus.. Secretary of the Treasury in an inter purchaser keeps his bod; that he de
"Any vessel navigating in aretic .. . ....***.***.31 30
tice and fair play for all the world .......
waters may at any time be crushed ..3000..********* 100
nies himself someth esting Statement Shows How
in order to
"It's time when, under the colors, Bhe Awoke in a Narrow, White Bed. so suddenly that nothing ************ *****... 200
SO suddenly that nothing below can keep it; that he is something in UT.. . de **** *** 700
Liberty Loan Dollars Syds ***
and through Liberty Loans, and on the 9.00 order to buy it. Wh you lend your
the handsome young man played nobenved. At tu," Robert . Penry ***********
firing line, we should cry loud with **
Are Being used. *** money to the government you must
part in the girl's vision. No, he was writes in the Century. "I have always lyds.... .. 800
************ ******* 1600
not sell your bond inediately on the Shakespenre's Wolsey:
always there. But she reasoned he wa nde preparation for much an emer
"Let all the ends thou nim'st at be market, because you do not help in
quite sure to appear at the proper tim Secretary Meadoo has issued the foll that way. Every urocessary sale of
ketey, and had all the pemmican, ten, thy country's, thy God's and truth's. If she could go into the society where
coffee, biscuits, sugar, ollammual. DO NOT SETP MATERIAL UNTIL YOU HAVE WRITTEN US YOR lowing Liberty Loon statement: SHIPPING DIRECTIONS, ETC.
"Again the American people have the the market price government bond tends to depress
alytion-in fact, all the essentials neces
he was to be found. Clearly the only of the more the
way out of it was to be adopted.
Niry to sustain privilege of lending their money, their market price of government bonds is
life and healthsavings to their government for the depressed the more Lertfal it is to the
Lend Him It had not entered Hettie's mind pinced on deck close to the roll, where Pine Valley Rug Factory, purpose of making the lives and liber-government's credited to the genu
that some slight preparatory education could ently be thrown off to the
in grammar, and the mode of speech Ion ties of every American safe and of ine Interest of the people of the Unit
Innddition to this the whole Plne Valley, Chemung Co., N. Y. securing the lives and liberties of theed States
required in cultured noelety mlecht heln lonts, fully equipped for a week or If the price goes below par gallant nations which fight with us.
Home In the process of acquiring on ten days' voyage, were ready at n moMrs. Alice G. Soper, Mgr. Orders attended to at this Office.
there is an immed demand on the These bonds bear 4% per cent inter part of the thoughts people for an et
ndopted mother. She had had a rudiment's notice to be lowered. Each est. They are exempt from all federal increase in the roof Interestand
mentary school training in the Institu- bont, Desides the required complement state and local taxation except the every time the root interest is in
tion from which she went to the box of ours, ourlocks, bonthooks, liquid federal super income taxes and inhere
inctory, but her kociation with the compass and baller, contained dem. d new bar
BUY Noudandance RXEN They are due ten years moed on the
of taxation is
that section of the town and mean, conveniently packed in six after their date. They are the safest people
the Ainerin ihantv
LIBERTY ing out of town investment in the world, and they ben
pound tins: biscuits, 50 pounds; coffee, I know
not added to the elegance of her lan
we are o for them.
peo nemen ble hond
BONDS Our rate of interest adequately and ken and patriotid not
10 pounds: compressed ten, 5 pounds:
strong enough stock is largel erously remunerative. The money de suply the government with All the
to continue to
Poor little Hettle she was bright, sugar, 10 pounds: condensed milk, 10 One Fisk Tiros, rived from these bonds will be used to money it needs
kindly. fund well menning and her de consoll, 6 allons small oilstoye Inner Tubes too supply our soldiers and sallons with interest
T onable rate of
sires were only the normal ones of
1 ride and 100 cartridges: 1 shotgun
PEACE INSURANCE We also sell Gore the food, clothing. guns, Ammunition stabilize the rate and let us prove to let us ka h it now to
youth. Once she told
man. ndo shells: 1 box of matches in
ion of her wish to be adopted and was they corked bottle: 1 tehet: Tuberand all soft rubber and other essentials which they must the world that Alas atriotinis ham's Fix-It which quickly mends Dr Tube and all
No Inughed at and ridiculed that she knivel enn opener: needles and have if they are to win this war; to not determined by the rate of interest woods. We sell other good Cements. Also sell the WHIZ BRANDT pay the wages of labor of those who per annum or by any other mercenary
over nfter kept her sirenstles to her
thread, and medieal nipples consists Stop-Leak, Brass and Metal Polish, and Wash, Mien Clutch Com are engaged in manufacturing these consideration,
Ing of quinine, astringent, bondages well. But her dream would not down. It became a kind of obsession,
cotton, gauze, bornele seld, dusting pound, and Kleer-Gloss for the windshield. essential supplies to pay for the raw We must al
All of us are interested in new learn that the first
powder, entgut and liniment. materials and the farm products and de
- Whether it was because her vision
And duty is to save. We are entering the
thingsnow fads, new fancles, new was in this misty region while her the countless other things that enter
every member of the party, including into the war program of a great na second and, I be final stage of the wrinkles. Just at this time we are small body was in the path of rushing
the Eskimos, had a small bundle of tion, war, the victorious stake for America particularly attracted by reports of
extra clothing packed and stood rendy traffle in the great city, or whether
the latest much talked-of new wrinkle Tires, Lamps, Horns, Separato Wheel and all other Accessories and It is the savings of the people that
to leave the ship Immediately after "We must not, we cannot consider
fate took a hand, there come the Repair the purchase of government bonds Aston's power to produce and to supply
throwing off the supplies and lower constitute the
that is to be very conspicuous after the strength of the na
Impact of the automobile, and lettie a purely commercial or business trans
winding up of the Third Liberty Lonn knew no more till she awoke in nar
ing the bonts." neulon, War Is not business, although the war the things indispensably required for wwwinkle
carpaign. Who is going to use the The Kaiser! Where's
row, white bed, and looked up into the the nation's business now is war. War rer ounce of wool sved, he poing to use 1L? On his brow! An
Ences of a doctor and nurse. She gazed
He Was On His Way. Is the death struggle for the principles every pound of food saved, every you on to list in making the new
about for the ndopted mother, but MeCred worked in a powder factory and Ideals for which a nation fights, stroke of labor saved, is power exerted wrinkles sure thing and a deep thing
there were only muros moving around and usually went home to meals with Business must be adjusted to war, and upon the battle front. We, therefore, Not unless you hustle along and sign
the place. Clearly something hnd hunn his chum, O'Reilly. The latter was go measure every ordinary rule of business must
to the strength of the unfor to the strength of the for Liberty Bond-leslie Van
Liberty Rand a lla varpened, and the adopted mother outing alone to dinner the other day be modified, altered or disenrded if nation by practicing economy and pre- Every.
to be part of it. When she tried to when Meren's wife, meeting him, ako necessary to meet the supreme need venting waste
move the found it very painful, anded: of the nation in such a time. National
Three Liberty Bonds or all. slie was quite stir with bandages. She
"Where's himselt that he's not wid necessity is the supreme law of war, Damson Jelly.
asked for an explanation, and was told you rodny, Mr. O'Reilly and the first duty of every citizen is to subordinate himself and every interest
She had been struck by an automobile. "Shure and didn't he love the factory Pick over, wash, and drain damsons.
Highly Adaptable. Teacher-A pronoun, you know, in but that she would be all right in
front hurry an hour ago, ma'am. to that supreme necessity Teland | Prlek severe times with fork. Putin
answered O'Reilly. word that stands for noun or it
few days. She asked whose automo one's money on safe security is at best kettle with wulficient water to keep may stand for any number of nouns
bile It was, and the nurse answered it
"And did he say where he was goin'?" mail contribution compared with from burn and boll 20 minutes. Can you think of one
WAS MIN, Burlson's, the sacrifice the dying soldier makes
very kind lady be inquired. Strain through Jelly bag. Allow one the sacrifice the widow makes, the accupful of
who was very sorry, and had brought
"Not n word did he say," answered Little Chauncey (son of the village rifice the mother and father of a dead Juice and boil 30 minutes.
ar to one cupful of plum drust) - Taloum stands for more her there, and told them to do everyo'lollly: "nor I don't think he lens
he truck the match. Then hero make. Patriotism must at all
things than any one word I know of thing they could, and that she would be himself t ma'am.
sponsible for the pay. Hottie felt went off wid the roof an' ball of
the factory."
Pine Valley Rug Co. Makes New Rugs From old Carpets
A Hand
Auto Supplies
Full Line of Fishing Tack Buggy and Won Lamps
Boy Carts, Lawn Mowers
Morris, N. Y.

PAGE 2 TEXT xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

+++++++++++++++++ HUN AGENTS KILLED Local Correspondence
The Morris Chronicle
Hall My have a great an Liberty Bonds bus
C. A. Sloan, Morris, N. Y.
Hector tutor
No P
sd Mrs. Lou theme of death. And
The Ner: Whore Burlington
better at Delters tot to deters showed door of s
ewhat better at lzed the der many days they terror morning of A
. Millard, Phones Laurens, N. Y.
Garden and Flower Seeds.
Full Line of Wheat Flour Substitutes
The Ice went out of Otsegu Lake DICCIAN DOND NDIVC this spring April 14th.
Paint old floors wit this good paint
ENTERED AT THE POETOFFICE AT MORRIS W A A play "Cranberry Corners, given by home talent at Milford netted the A coat or two of paint will make your old floor far more attractive and
ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Garrattaville and Vicinity.
irty Cents for a months; 330 for three month By MRS. FLORENCE HARPER. Red Cross branch $160.
casier to keep clean.
$1.15 per your if tot paldin advance: 10€ ette A DeRayter factory has received
bcribe out of the county. Mrs. Harper recently returned from an order from Amsterdam for 1.500,
At the experties of your recription we per Lowe Brothers
Aacro ATE theme; tf you want the paper Daniel Mather and wife of Albany Russia, where she spent a great deal 000 broom handles of beech, birch and
stopped notify at once. The croB N the came to their home farm (the Sherime time as a correspondent for an
hemes that you are indebted to and tileMather farm) at the Brick School-American magazine. This article gives maple.
bent le desired. is the paint of greatest hiding and wearing quality. A
It will keep your house last Thursday to stay for a vivid word picture of the horrifying 0. Bridgman, principal of the
TERMS OP ADVERTISING floors in perfect condition through long wear. Dries her over night.
One Insertion, an inch; one toch one month scenes in Petrograd during the revolu. Oneonta high school for two years,
TSC cards of the Se; boxes and to Resists wear and is sanitary. Come in and see how little is will cost to
3 has resigned to take effect at the end
year There is talk of a musicial and lit-tion.
Other rates made known on appliation paint your floor.
Variages, the Deaths and other items of Bew erary entertainment for the Red Cross of the school year.
terled without chance when they are news
JOT PRINTING May 10th. Moro particolare next. America knows one kind of Liberty Loan drive ussia knows another. At the village election in Cleveland
In all its branches t erlly done and fathed Week.
when bromed Dancing school in Breece Hall Mavlone ne day Petrograd decided to Oswego county, Carrie Dawley ran
have a great rally for the purpose of against her husband for treasurer and 4th. buying Icussian Liberty Honds. An beat him by 12 majority.
Morris Directory. Nelson Naylor and wife of Naylor's loyal to the revolution would buy Workable Inmates of the jail at
FIRST BAPTIST CHURCE, Corbers spent Sunday at Sarah Til Toufik and aristocrat. All were to Cooperstown will work on the County
Rev. E O Colbeck -
Paster son's. prove themselves staunch revolution
Rev. Ms. Ashton, Dra. Vaughn Dutton and Donaldste by Investing in the loan that farm this year, being carried to their victorious job each morning by a new Ford
METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Beals from the hospital at Newark, would send Russia to
Rev. 8. D. Clarke, - - N. J.. and Margery Dotton of Rar peace Iberty had been bought with limousine, and returned each even A MESSAGE TO YOUNG PEOPLE.
UNIVERSALIST CHURCH, T reat blood, now they were to pay for it I ning
Bev. Y. . Leonard - lington Plats were at
• Pastor with cash Lists of women were Saturday.
Charles Brewer of Gilbertville, the
LATINING CLASS made. Dressed in their summer finery,
NI ASSOCIATION Quite a good tamoat to hear the these women were to speak from
young banker in that village who was me. Peek President
Blanche la new pastor of the I. E church Son- stands erected all over the city bound to go to war last fall in spite
Secretary Harris, Berretary
Meeting held the stands Pridays
DEMONT, day afternoon. the corner of the Nevsky Prospekt and of underweight, has been at Camp J. April 16th
. A.M.
.. . Welch, rather elaborate one Devens ever since attending training
- - - Arthur Smith is driving a new horse Soral street
BILLINGTON CHAPTER, W.A.M. recently purchased at Barleton Jotted out in the form of the bow of a school, and has now been recommende
6.3. Duvia hip, named "The Victory." Flats.
The reded for a commission as lieutenant Sponso. Your Flour, Feed, Grains, Coal, Wood, Lime,
Meet Second and Tourth Wednesday Mae Aldrieh isited her es the revolution was toe. All of Franklin hape or oto county which I wish to
Auto Supplies.
E l Mr.M.G. Nel
Carrick, W.M.
Il Every one preveder
Cafe, se through the columns of
NATIONAL PROTECTIVE LEGION near Ketchum Bonday. me o n e day. Hot while these been appointed deputy Behool Super give them This message comes
Secretary preparations were being made work of Intendent of the Firth Supervisory your paper. Noblesville and Vicinity. other kind wis being done as well Distriet of Delaware County. to from the heat of the greatest embar
Low Card Red Cross meeting this Wednesday T e nts, well paid with many thou
MORRIS HIGE SCHOOL, the vacancy caused by the absence of kation camp la America. It is being
Barris Crail . - - - Principal, afternoon at Mrs. Charles Card's. sands of German marks were plan- her husband who recently went to said today that America is more
Job WhOWN OF MORRIS Mrs. Howard Lunnas Liberty ning a drive of a different nature camp with a contingent of selected solidly behind the war in the country
A.M. Weleh
- - Supervar measles. The great day dawned warm and men. She has all the authority of districts than in the great centers of
o authority or districts in the great center George Mann and site bright, but the patriotle speakers were the Superintendent and will receivel population. This, in a measure IsTATE have a full line of Feeds And Grains in stock and believe
- , W. Weden.
Fredent Veeder Lasher and wife and Mrs. Lounot to be seen. Instead, the voice of true, for the inhabitants of the coun- W that now is
that now is a good time to buy. As you can get what you want. T. Wiman, Iss Eldred were pleasant guest of Mr. messages of death. A drive was on.
the machine guns were heard caring the full salary. message of death. Adrive was on. The body of Mrs. Roscoe Holllway try districts are the real thinkers of The
RA 9 Later we may have to take what we can get and look pleasant Merritt
want you want... W and Mrs. Lohe Sanday.
Η ταινοτοΝ ενΕΤΕΒΙ Απ8οCIATION, but not for Liberty Bonds. The Ney was found in the Wharton creek the nation. Bat we who are at the at that. Now we have
day have to take what we B
- ctivities
W Mrs. Clarence Morton of Now Ber- sky was barred and shattered; the above Burlington Flats early in the seat of the war activities, realize
hite Winter Bran, White Win-1 7.
o nt. Now we have Spring Bran, White Winter Bran, White Win arly in the Beal of the war activities with at that
Isbell, fronted with the ter Mixed Feed. Boffalo
- 3. Yaklay.
- - lln is caring for Mrs. Perry Stan-Bolshevikl were at it again. All day
- morning of April 19th. It was case when we are confronted with the ter axed Feed, Balo Gluten, Ola Produk Oil Meal, Brown Mida
- . . .
. Collector house and baby, who are all with pneu-long and for many days they terror
a Indications showed that concrete fact that the war will not Red Dog. Corneal
Dog, Corn Meal, Cracked Corn, Corn, Oats, Park & Pollard monia, but are somewhat better at Iced the city. Lenine and his black of suicide.
instant. Seratoh Grains and Lay or Bust" Mash.
BUSINESS CARDS. present writing
band, on whom the bonds of Liberty the unfortunate woman went to the be won in Hiram Wright and wife of Delhi sat very tightly, were making their bridge, about midnight, tied a rope I have seen and talked with men
e expect to unload to-day and to-morrow big car ofl MS D first attempt to destroy the fruits of to the bridge and about her waist and who went through the hell-fire of
Lawy. Once were pleasant visitors at his mother the revolution. Snipers shot from win-sank herself in deep water. Her e Verdun, and were at Gallipoll and the SEVENS BROS. FORTY-FOUR This feed is not just as good ALTON 1. WINN, Attorney And Colors Mrs. Amy Wright's Saturday. dows; machine guns mowed down was 35 years and she was the mother Dardenelles and they will tell you but is one of the BEST BALANCE WITTE RATIONST haver
o me over the bank
M X Y Mrs. F. L. Mills is confined to the loyal soldiers who sought to restore of six children. that per canot pletare the horrors sold. We expect soon n cnr of Now Corn.
AITILURW. MORE Atone house with an attack of grip. order. I went out to see the roting of the battle. But more than that
Al Law, New Leatherstocking chapter of the N.
prey and could
r Vivian Curtis spent Sunday at The stands were there forlomand de
tow tons of focal Special attention to tu
to not cost you much to get our prices on . State Archeological Association they will tell you that the realization
tons of feedcourt practice her home in Morris. RS.O.w.e.
serted. The red bunting was tomady riddled with bullet holes. From one was organized in Cooperstown last of the Jastice of their causo takes and we believe we can SAVE YOIT MONEY
E CARPENTER, Notary Pubtle
W. NY Term expire in March 1913 end of the Nevsky to the other, along week with twelve charter members. There will be a regular meeting of the Litainle, across the bridges on the Its main object will be to form a col
become so Imbued with the righteousthe New Lisbon Home Economies other side, anarchs was making fight lection of the implements, utensils
C M illard mang tight lection of the implements utensilsness of their effort that they go over S
Both Clab in Grange Hall Saturday, May for supremacy.
For days dead lorses were lying on
and ornaments made and used by the the top much as we enter into a ball 4th, at 9 p. m. Miss Lucillo Halo
NEXT DOOR TO POSTOPYICE game, enthusiastic and unafraid of will be present to take up the remove the streets: the hospital more are people who lived in New York's stone defeat. Yet there is in their faces
High Grade Work tion of clothing. Actual work will be full again. Liberty is a good thing age, and bring to the present genera done on garments with a sewing mabut Liberty Bonds are better. Treas. tion a better knowledge of State something that marks them as par
At Right Prices ure them as a precious possession, for archeology than it now possesses. I seipants in the great contiet. Men chine. Roll call: What is your ideal
Your Patronage Solicited by means of them Liberty. Equality What one man in this county knows I do not attempt to detine it, they only work apron No refreshments.
8. C. SMITH, PROP'R and Fraternity will be yours and the these things would make several ble see it and silently know. Mrs. LELAND RORSON, Pres. birthright of those that come after books and his collection has
to you back home, to those of us you.
Morris West Laurens. Learn the lesson that Russia teaches.
perior any where. We refer to Wild not in olive drab comes with terrible lard E. Yager or Oneonta. reality, the trumpet call to duty. It
Insurance Agency The obituary of Mrs. George Hotal. She bought liberty very dearly. Thou. is the hour of America's revellle, and
. W. WEEDEN, Agent. ing will be found on local pa s ands of her children paid the price
the call to our young people is imperand Mrs. Charles Naylor and Mrs. with their lives, but she could not keep NOTICE TO FARMERS.
NA it.
ative. Tightly held, she lost it. Learn I heard
of Hartford Loretta Herring from this place at
Y.M.C.A. man from
OF Hartford that lesson and drive the Hun back to
CONTINENTAL - of New York tended the funeral at South New Berhis Tair with his claws clipped and corn crop throughout the country has
The serious condition of the seed France say that the greatest heritage of the American nation was her young
HARTFORD - - Hertford
THE HOME CO. - - of New York lin. fangs pulled. Invest in Liberty, stnke been discussed to a considerable expeople. Reconstruction, however far
SPECIALTY OY PARA PROPERTY. Mrs. Ed. Webster of Davis Switch your all on it, and by so doing win the
tent, and if the farmers realize how
in the dist is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Chas. right to enjoy it. Pince yourselves on
a x bor meste
Automobile Tourance Written. eration. The find of moral, physical NUT MARGARINE Sheldon, and brother. Howard Rigs plane of equality with your own
Otsego County Farmers Fire Ins. Co book and wife. there who are keeping bo o serious dimeulty in insuring our and spirtual lie they lead will deter
Compensation Insurance the Hun from your homes by the bar corn crop for the coming season by Miss Susan Bard spent Saturday mine the place America of future gen
OFFICE OVER WEEDEN'S HARNESS STORE rler that these bonds enable your gov: prompt and careful testing of all seed night and Sunday with her grandpa
erations shall lold on the great arena andpa ernment to place there. Join the planted. Bat from what talk I have rents, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Harrison, glorious fraternity of those who are
of the world's cage. The trust is too
had with those farmers with whom I at West Oneonta. doing their bit. have come in contact. I dont vobis, the stakes too large to permit
Devotes als exclusive professional attention to The next meeting of the Red Cross
us to forget for one moment our duty much it the real condition of the seed
the medical and wrical treatment of the will be at the Grange hall this Thursin the great war. Vice and immorall
dies of the eye, CAT, Dome and corn is realized to any great extent.
throat and the scientide seg day for dinner. Bring refreshments. ty are on the increase among the
of glas. The corn, though well matured last Stanley Cornell last week enlisted American boys and girls. Men are
X-ray laboratory for pictures and treatments fall, was not dried out sufllclently to
Omce hours to 11; 1 to 4. as a general clerk and Walter Cornell busy now, as they should be, with
Weekdays only. prevent injury to the germs by the
other things, and the younger genera. G. B. Folts, as an auto mechanic in the special
Morris, N. Y. TURNER BLOCK, NORWICH, N. Y. TO THOSE WHO HAVE. unusual freeze of early December call for 1,200 men.
tion is taking idvantage of its free
The students of the schools in this The Women's Sewing Circle will To those who have the shining gold,
aistrict are organized against the meet at the Grange Hall Saturday. For which the many sigh in vain;
I can say nothing more deeply from
FOOD FOR THOUGHT. Kalser and if you are too busy to test May 18th, for dinner. Please bring to those whose lives are spent in
the heart, to the young people of Ot
your own seed corn, send it to the refreshments. Everyone invited. hives
sego county and America than this: Now, haven't you oftentimes figured schoolhouse and ask to have it tested.
and wondered Israel Johnson is spending a few Surrounded by the fruits of gain, Your part in the crisis of your nation
AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS It corn is shelled send 100 kernels. It days with his daughter, Mrs. Charles Columbia makes this one great call, may not now be so great, but you do Just what you could do with that afty
MORRIS, N. Y. on the cob send a fair sample of ten Pickwick, at Delhi. Nor will the call be made la vain, not realize what your party will be
Mooms at realdence on Main street. or hundred?
Alles ears. in the great future. Be true to your A Liberty Bond is the thing you are
day or night, promptly attended to For Freedom now must stand or fall
done when dealred. We aim to be prompt, Mount Vision If you wish to test your own corn
a And Tyranny must fall or reign! trust, live close to His teachings, for lacking:
onable and reliable. and do not know how, directions may apon yon depend the religions future Consider its enrning and think of its YOUR ATTENTION IS CALLED TO
B. M.SI.OAN The sisters of Rev. H. H. Wilbar re
0. A. SLOAN O you by golden Fortune blest be secured from Farm Bureau Manacelved news of his death at his home
of the United States of America, backing! in Dallas, Pa., April 23d. He was How will you meet this one great test With that for which the millions toll ger F. S. Barlow, Cooperstown, or J.
your country and my country whose -Leslie Van Every.
NOTICE TO CIL DITORS-Panattan er Specialties
N der of Shirley Hostington, Sarregate of flag waves over 18,000,000 of the 31,born in Mt. Vision Jan. 16, 1852, the
the County of trege, notice thereby given a And safeguard Speedom's sacred soll. The outcome of the war may de-00000 of Sander school scholars on U.S. Bonds, guard Liberty. 4 This Week
cording to law, to son of Daniel and Maria Shove WI
ne bavte mare
4 pend on the outcome of our corn crop. earth, the greatest religions nation on
the catate of Sarah K Ticker,
d Oh, never let the tale be told
a te of the pend on the outcome of our corn crop. bar. He graduated from the Albany
Liberty thrives on U.S. Bonds.
town of Morris, In all county that they are re That you lored your country's call it is not a mere fact of dollars and
quired to exhibit the same with w here there the globe. Sincerely,
to the undergoed rector of the last will But bring your gold-your gleaminscents for the farmers; It is not simply
Liberty Bonds for everybody. LAVERNE G. PECK.
Hawaiian Sliced Pine Apple was a successful teacher, In 1880 he
testament of the said denned, at the one of the
ley Blakely. In the village of Otero, la sa a matter of the wasted labor in caring
county, on or before the 1st day of October joined Wyoming Conference and be. And join in Freedom's festival for half a crop; it is the patriotic
Cream of Maryland Tomatoes
Dext. gan his life work as a minister and has
-William F. Kirk. duty of every good farmer to insure
Dated, March 14 TOIS
1320 successfully served numerous charges.
STEPHEN M BROWN, Breton Buy Liberty Bonds.
White Cornmeal his crop by careful testing, and take
Tilley Blakely, Atty for Erector, Obere, XY. He is survived by his wife, two grand
The Government has decided to children, and two sisters, Eveline and
ATTENTION. no chance of failure. take over all re wool now held in Message
Rice Flour J. A. LENNOX, Annette, living here on the old home
warehouses at the price prevalling on stead, and other relatives. Faithfully If you'd love to hear the coolng of the Manages of Junior Project Work.
July 30 last. I Holders do not agree Gentle Dove of Peace, he labored for the Master until he If you'd love to see again a univer
to sell it at that price the wool willot
* * * * * * heard His voice saying, Come home. sal happy day.
be commandeered.
NEW BERLIN BAKERY BREAD You might hasten things and help a bit
Wool that is being clipped in The Red Cross will meet Thursday LIBERTY LOAN LOGIC
Fresh 3 times a week, and other baked this awful war to cease the west also will taken. The gov
goods. Invite your patronage. at 2 o'clock in their room in Eveline If you'd buy a bond that's backed
No one can say whether fight. *
ernment will use a large part of the Wilbur's house.
BONDS by dear old Unele Sam, I sayt
wool for uniform will distribute Carl Arnold and wife and his moth* Ing. farming or financing is the *
A. G. Pierce of Mt. Upton -Leslie Van Every.
* most important. Which lek of * the remainder am dealers for el er, Mrs. Sarah Arnold, of Delhi, were A three legked tool is to be di
E. S. NILES, v ilian needs.
Morri, N. Y. Il med allt Upto prepared to carry at Hiram Saxton's Sanday. perineWhy Do your part in * The country's loons, per cent or
pane anywhere in the Batternst Valley, and Bert Personals seriously I. His all it possible, but remember * whose facilities no are engaged on
on notice will call al homes for out-colup POR BETTER AND
. brother, Dr. Persons, of Gllboa, with
that the purchase of Liberty * government work, be required to FOR BETTER GARDENS
ker. Prompt red careful service his wife and daughter, his sister, Mrs.
* Bonds is possible to those who * glve 60 per cent of their output to
Phone to L. Upton
ws Wykoft. of Gilbon, and mother of
are not in a position to either * Laurens were at bis home Saturday.
Liberty Bonds are right.
fight or farm. the government. Chillan consumers
A. C. PIERCE, Dr. Persons and wife and daughter
Farmers have sometimes con- *
will get the remaind at government remained until Sunday.
* tended that they are likely to * Axed prices.
* lose In the economie struggle be. * The Badge * cause financial matters are not *
Your War Garden
IN STOCK FOR DELIVE V Blacksmithing and Wagon THE FEDERAL FARM LOAN. of Honor * In their hands. The purchase *
ANXIETY. must do its bit this year in a big way.
Repairing A review of the first year of operaWorn by * and holding of Liberty Bonds *
Iecause the Allies, and our boys
Sulky Plows * does two things: First, it gives *
over there," need the production
Harrows tion of the Federal Farm Loan Sy All Buyers * the farmer a chance to hold se*
from the big farms-need all that we
Land Rollers
We sell and grind Horse Clipper Knives tem shows that 2,808 national farm of Third
curities and thus to exercise *
can send thein. Your war garden
Riding Cultivators
and will clip your horse while loan associations were incorporated, Liberty
you wait. some fiscal control; second, it *
must be planted so that there will be representing about four associations
Walking Cultivatore
no guess work about results. It must Loan Bord * gives to many their first oppor. * be planted economically and effici
We are Selling Agents for to each five counties of the United * tunity to get absolutely safe *
ently. It must be a better garden States. They average 20 members, * bond Investments and a famile*
than ever before.
Car Mite Rubber Roofing and Valura or a total membership of about 56,000 larity with the methods of get
W. H. Harris,
Asphalt Paint 93.3% pure. Pero Seedtep will help you to have
Morris, N A Painful Truth.
Dr. Laure's Veterinary Remedies * ting and handling such Invest
batter. a monicient perden. It farmers.
10w the
(Haven telephone) "Do your American
Coronn Wool Fat. Indians still * ments,
lentile way of planting. The meds are The 12 land banks have received paint their faces?" inquired the for* "Fril to ench whnte er befall
evenly and scirtely spaced in a thin peper
Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh, the best
top And whole row la planted at applications for over 120,000 loans, eigner.
koown remedy for Cuts, Sores, Galls, * The farmer he must pay for all." *
resulting in straight rows of evenly space amounting
Spider Teat, Seratehes, etc. to about
plants Thinning out la pructically eliminated $300,000,000. "I don't think it is altogether the *
If you The farmer pays de
G. C. CHAPIN, About 80.000 loans, amounting to over Indians that keep the drug stores go-* war, because this prosperity Is *
Pahroloose pedream Quality Sale
are not satisfied return bottle and get r eda that are in the tape The
your money. S160.000.000. have been proved and ." responded the native reluctant possible only under peace and
oshly tested and selected from the very N
Flour, Feed, Grain and Co Lewis' Fly Oil for Flies or Lice.
Natok A Pabro Garden, either Pebro on 30,000 of these loans over $80,000,* security. The present war is a *
We also carry Axes, Axe Helves, Har
Sedap orbro Loose Seel e * war for the peace and security * 000 has been paid to the farmers.
ful garden. Your dealer has over ma
WEST ONEONTA. ess, Saddlery and Whips. And Muslo at Mealtimeat * of the world. To win it all
varieties of Pro Seedtape and Seele Order your needs to
Corn, per bushel....... "Last year I see the churches of * must help to fight it, to form it *
..........$1 Strait Brothers, Beyond the Law.
Mical, per hundred ........... 3o. Broad St. Christendom contributed more than * and to finance it. Munitions *
Gluten in bulk..
Morris, An Ohio Judge says there is no law $30,000,000 to missionary work." * and food require money. Liber *
Cotton Seed, 36%. against the foot of "Great Scott! What on earth aro ty Bonds supply the money
Oil Meal, 33% himself. Even the Inw rarely at they feeding the heathen now-can
. Dr. Wiekes, the Dentist, will be at
Corn and Oats........ tempts th> Impossible --Tlouston Post.
Edith-I said w would you object to Sold in Morris by
.. . 30 Gardner House every Thursday, vasback duck and terrapin stew?" *
** * * * * * * * * * * son-in-law wid red ha
V L TTOK u . U. CHAPIN, West Oncontrepared to do dental work in
anches. -ad.
Fine Eating Onions
Dr. Homer E. Smith, R. C. S. Fresh Corn Pleal
ir Over the Tops
E. S. NILES, Prop'r.
A Hand.
Auto - Bus
Farm Machine Agency

PAGE 3 TEXT xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Spring Millinery
Flour Substitutes
Seed for Sowing.
Morris, N. Y.
PROTECTION The Morris Chronicle.
PORROR Harry G. Yates.
Our government engaged in a E. E. GARPENTER, Harry G. Yates passed away at nighty elfort to solmighty prob.
Wednesday morning. Aprillom to do a miguty work. It is the MANDANENE NTEL for a very med Wednesday, May 1, 1018. oh, of plouro-pneumonia, at the old greatest problem the overment over erate om, whleb will Afford you the tentcal pro
homestead in Morris where he was
attempted and it has no procedent to section and convenience, and guarantee it
born and always lived. His illness Boby. Ivory man woman should 10 by fire or theft. Annecount with
Particularly of Local Interest.
Was of short duration. From the first faco the fact solemn oud ask, am I HR WILBRIL NATIONAL BANK ESTABLANKS CONFUDENOR.
he seemed called to ko, as all that
doing what loan to be in this mighty medical skill and nursing could do Movies Saturday night.
TST But you may Accounts of Merchants, Estates, Nocletes and
don't think individuale Are Teepeethully invited
Buy a Liberty Bond this week. were of no avail.
WASHABLE KID GLOVES much of this governmrat nor the way
He was born Nov. 20th, 1874. the goes about HIVIO problem. Bare Deposit Boxes Per R pward Fred Nichols and wito have moved youngest son and child of Capt. Geo. Go Now, so herethis is
only goy to Binghamton.
A. and Arriana Duron Yates, and otomont we have, te overnment is Mr. and Mrs. Hakes are at their grandson of the lato Dr. William the best we have, and is doing its
Yates who came to this country in 1700, bost. Because it is no dolog as you
Our Roll of bonor Opp. Town Clock, Oneonta, N. X. The Red Crossbonent movies bo- from England at Breton-on-Trent. I would like no reason such a ori
Colonel George R. Greene....... ............Camp Dodge, Iowa gin Saturday evening,
Barry attended the Morris High School is that you should rem to do your Lieut. Howard W. Naylor.... Veterinary Corps, Q.M.D., Kansas City $100,000.00 On pagowo give a liberal install and took up the pursuit of farming, part as is asked of you. And this is Lieut. Tra Quinby...... OAPITAL,
.......... with Engineers in France The Web of mend or now serial.
tho krently drawn toward mechan. tro Hou: If you a hot band in Sargeant Dalo Houghtalink .8.0.A.E.F.Air Servicevin New York Surplus. Profits, 450,000.00 Ste 108, feeling that duty called him to love with what this overnment is red Davis, CORSD Patrol, a Naval Dist., base at New London, Conn.
Frank Jenks, gonor................Artillery, Fort Amador, Panama At Mrs. Chas. Lawrence's the old homestead farm to help his trying to
conform to Next week is "Clean-Up-Week in
Leslie Jenks, bugler.........Co. L., 60th Infantry, Washington, D.O. Interest Department.
aged father and later his aged mother.
ther its rules for eating conserving, Corporal Scott Gage... ...Co. G., 30th Infantry, Camp Greene, N.O. Morits. See notice of the Health
Kloven years ago he married Lillian will not buy a bond norar certin Serticales or Deposit loved lang the best rates onloor.
Eleven years ago he married Lillian George Mansfield... Aviation School, Squad. 864, Sec. 1, St. Paul, Minn
Weeden Block, & Holb Spure of South Edmeston, who he cato, but find fault wil its way of
Francis Bogar. ******* ...... 1st Training Bat., Camp Merritt, N.J. of intereste netent with sound bankier
Mala Street Muillory Harold Tillson.................. M. C., 1st Co., Camp Devens, Mass
Parlor MORRIS, N. Y. Morris has done well for the Liber survives him with two sons, Georgo
doing business, criticits louders Dean L. Davis............Co. K., 303d regiment, Dealented depottery of the United State. Batety Loan, but it can do more and of New York and Omero con
and William, twins aged 7 years. Hol and those in authority you are Allon Wild..
S03d Infantry. A. E... via New York is the week to do so. is also survived by his mother, one helping the enemy- what an Ralph 0. Dixson, both Inft., 5th Div., Camp Greene, Charlotte, N. 0.
Hugh o. Hopkins.....
onomy to lino np with the wickedest Scott Gage has been promoted to brother, Franklin, and two sisters,
in France
& Frank Simonds. Hospital Corps, Camp Greenleaf, Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Our Line of Sergeant and is looking for immedi- rs. E. L. Morehouse and Mrs. W. H.
the vilest, the mo vie, the William Simonds... .Co. G., 107th Inft., Camp Wadsworth, B.. ate transfer to France. Harris, besides numerous other rela
mightiest, ever let loo
p id Corporal Chas. G. Wilson.....14 Co., 107 Dept. Brigade, Atlanta, Ga. The Otero County Farm Bureau tives; two children, a daughter, and
nd This is no time for str e kers,
Georte Elliott...................430 Squadron, 3d Reg., Waco, Texas The Line Mfg. Corporation will pay cash for
William Leo Webster. AS 1,57 members this year, and is as non, dying in infaner. He was a mem no time to withold,
Naval Training School, Norfolk, VARIOAK ASH LOGS, Oall at the trutor Shop bor of mon piscopal churakdavo. to make money at the
e Of our
n se@
Laket, or phone Ways to RROBE in the State.
o All enjoyed Boreano Oliver Lusted busband and father and a dutiful Nation's dire distress. US 1 visit from camp last week. Next unseldish son.
time for Americans to critico and NOTICE OF "CLEAN-UP WEEK." time we see biim he will be a lionten. The funeral was held at his inte acrilico willingly.
A c om
In accordance with the custom of To help you to obey the rules for ant.
home Saturday afternoon and was as is being tritoly saidome across conserving wheat.
think on Past year the Week of May 6th is ended. The floral tributes tho Kaiser will. Read movie pletores, which
designated by the Board of Health of shown in aid of the Red Cross, will acested the esteem in which he was these things.
the Village and Town of Morris as
ALFALFA, ALSIKE CLOVER, POTATO FLOUR commence on Saturday, May 4th, at held. His pastor, Rey. M. S. Ashton,
"Clean Up Week." Clean your streets
MAMMOTH CLOVER, RED TOP, 8:30 p. m. was assisted in the service by Rev. F.
and alleys, the rear of your stores and CORN FLOUR
WHEAT, CORN, OATS, BARLEY G. Leonard. Interment was in the
Protestant Episcopal.
yards, removing the accumulated BARLEY FLOUR
Visitors at Prin. Crandall's the past family plot in Hillington Cemetery. week: Riebard Giles of Clayville,
Rev. M. 8. Ashton, Recto rubbish which has been allowed to
AND THE GARDEN SEEDS. The bearers were his four brothers
Sunday-Litany, sermon, Common romain during the winter. The presCORN MEAL
Mr. Mundook of Scranton and dirsin-law. E. L. Morehouse, William Gray of New Hartford,
obouse, William H H. lion at 10:30: Sunday Schools ion at 10:30: Sunday School at 19; ser-ident of the village will inform you
Harris, Hubert Sport, and Thaddeus vice at New Lisbon Sp..; evenios
vice at New Lisbon 8 p. m.; evening where such material may be damped. Aratrol of the State Bounted Pol Chase. Relatives present from out or service at 7:30,
With the awakening of Nature CORNSTARCH llee have headquarters at Oooperstown were, 0. R. Daroe and daugh There will be a Vostry meeting at from winter's long sleep there is a
GET OUR PRICES town and telephone call will reach ter of New Berlin, Dorneo Talbot and want
Sunday to cleet delegates to the Dio and thereby wo relieved of the bar.On Ton Lots of 36 per cent and 20 per cent. COTTON SEED and
the rectory after morning service ne OAT MEAL
the marinare next desire to make me more them any time. They will do the wife, Mrs. Geo. M. Augue and Mrs. s Kate Mack of Hartwick, Sidney Sport, cesan Convention.
dens of past neglect. ROLLED OATS
olso HOMINY, before buying elsewhere. Two hundred and fifty up-State Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Spurr, and Mr.
To commemorate the good example All residents are not only requested RICE Democrats met in conterence last and Mrs. Thaddeus Chase of South
and heroio death of Leat. Edmund but directed to clean their cellars and Wednesday and selected a committee Bdmeston.
Glover, a gold star has been placed vaults. This applies to both village of 34 men to select a candidate for the
on the Service Flag of Zion church, and town residents, so that when the party to vote on at the primaries for
where Lieut. Glover was a worshipper inspector, who surveys your premises Governor
during his summer visits to the Manor. after May 15th, will find them in a Sanford Seed Cos The New York State barge canal,
reasonably sanitary condition. ready for navigation this month, has
Baptist Honor Brand Lawn Grass Mixture beo
Rev. dwie o. Colberto to curb the fly naisances by screening ment and a fleet of barges are to be
Annual 0. E. May Breakfast Wed- your house and avoiding the fly breedconstructed to use on the canal to re
Desday morning, 6:15 th :50. ing places. See that your water suplleve freight congestion.
Mid-week meeting Thursday eve-ply is clean and kept clean. Look
ning This week closes the big Third Lib.
the situation over and see that there Pakro Seeds erty Loan drive. This is Boy Scout
Sunday morning semmon topic "The is no possibility of cesspools or closet Sr Seede equally spaced on a tape-week. If you haven't bought a bond
Doctrine of Election." Sunday School drainage entering the water supply. an economical labor saver, yet, buy one through the Boy Scout
at 12. The Blues have forged ahead Every person doing his bit will pro
THE BRICK STORE NEXT TO HOTEL who calls on yon. Note that big een
of the Reds in the contest. Reds, duce remarkable results when taken
attention! ter piece on onrrst page
as a whole. F. L. WINSOR,
Union service in this church Sanday Health Omer Town and Village of Morris New Stock of Spring Ball Band Rubber Footwear J. A. Lennox, the new organizer
evening. Special music. The pastor and leader of junior project work in will give a talk on Christian work in Attend the sixth annual Tri-County
for Ladies and Men. this Sapervisory District, is meeting
Chicago slams. His an experiences Holstein Breeders' sale at Sidney on with fine success among the schools, ilustrated by stereopticon pictures of May 15th. Eighty head of high-class
SMITH, KINNEY CO'S MAKE OF CAR. BROAD & MAIN STS where he is forming many clubs for
his own make.
registered Holsteins will be offered, antening and fanior domestie science,
S.COO atst Trens Sunday nearly all consigned by members of PANTS OVERALLS COATS SHIRTS The State Education Department bas notified Sap't O
persons attended the service. It is in Cov
a art that Town
le rain or Shine Boards of Pucation cannot make
desired that the people meet at 1. prompt 10 a.
m e e band bis or
NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES contracts with school teachers for
next Sunday to orrinize a Sunday for further information, address E. E. Corporation next year, and there are no trustees
School Risley, Secretary, Walton.
The New Crop, Fancy Kettle Rendered. until after school meeting the first
Very fine quality. Seceresor to Otsego & Herkimer. week in Jane.
THE WEATHER To test Denis, Paul Southern, a remembered Mor
"The big. Rainfall for week ending Monday, Rise Flour Rob New Berlin Gazete:
JUWA His boy, is increasing his business at
Tour, Prepared Pancake Flour perature 72°; lowest 20.
Pillsbury's Health Bran, Graham Flour, New Berlin. The Gazette syst-Paul cotxe NORTE
of Pittsfield had a cow escape from
G. A. YATES, Observer Oneon M
Sonther has purchased the soda top . complete submersion in the Unadilla
Cereals, Rice, etc., Crisco, Cream Dove, Mickor 10 0 Ohtain formerly owned by Dykes Drag By
That's So. the W MNS
river last Saturday Eternoon. Oomrebel Company and will soon begin the sale
Alnush doest' weigh much except sheenac
Lard, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Canned Goods N t e
drawing stone d
missioner Matteson
when it's on yre, and as a rule a ick on
and ice cream atsak teto And Andy Kitchen,
from the road and posacm Integh has a good temper-for some Om
the river, just across the tirer bridge times it is very hard to proroke rowiek only, N
o s, Harwick Fred C. Tilley of Hartwick and Miss Oy
in Hoboken. He damped onesh
Mr. George Wotaling. Canon inte Fannie A. Day of West Oneonta were
a and was about wnload the sec married at the Free Baptist pars
Crear Hotaling, aged 76 load and 5802
lond when the bancaise Wants and for Sale O Am S
Oneonta, Wednesday afternoon, yet red at the home of her dan ,
letting the April 10, 1818, by Rev. Charles Pentet MT.. Charles Navior. In Marke ligest part ashes, აი რა1* proth, with Bright's diseare, Shehage caterpillar at down back Ab erturile de terenew
Tore for two weeks dleton in the presence of the groom's
Dry Goods
Notions Ostavebetowe
Groceries ,
on sepad, 1862, in the village wards into the river that just the rother and sister, Claude Tilley and
O Sona Miss Laura Tiles w Berlin, where she resid- Thistory onme
e teo Borse for Sale Borse 101 Sa
m ed wil last tall when she came to water. Vos mieste
looked very The sito
let O TAR 800
The war siention looks bad for the
this place. She was a member of the serious but Sunday etmoon the mo$ 8.5
es trom our viewpoint. However, We Baptist Church of South New Berlin tor of the tractors started and
Horse for Sale 10
From a military view.point we ander
and was active in church work with the help of oth the monster 10 stand that when the party attacked
long as health permitted. Mrs. Ho crawled out of the tet, up the bank does not only pon his reserves condi
besides the daugh and on dry Indt any aparat tions are satisfactorile in hand an
her and harm being done koelden, Pasturage r e
mentioned General och handled practice
husband another dunge.
M es Sapporo Th e n one of the none of his reserve forces into action sie Photbeplace, of Norwich, and one big wheel tractors
Cow for Sale Cow yet Sistet, Mrs. Emils Bally, of Hamden
Weer Weheer A MAY IS Org Her tuneral was held at the p
r opers of State Constab For Sale
W This wil modo into the boom ist oborch, So
he Berlin, San A Visited D NES & B L
A te multe ocupe CAT artean W E Rev. Lumained over night
and T Rockw. The one house DORT E. Wheeler, pastor of the Orch, - terre CODE
and their Bor Sale or Rent A MET the root plant, Rota hond without comme
COCO s ist that p
o int Lim, will be becupied by Mr. Les at that place.
omd med e
n Toroman in the plant, he and his
ing lights on ve t tight. The Tamil acting the Herrington house
$425 $418 Eaton Grsin Mixture.
Rec. Dr. Warme
laws Dot
O G. Partridge,
popo To Let
G o 30 48 on Go steel onte Perd
ist un P
storitetet Station
whose first R o me Ted 30 Hrs - Seks Ngo
with the Coopers
the O
lights on his Rent Orcked Coro
Dr. A. S. Rochlin,
LETOS Bert O l
ne 300 the
WE HAVE THE IN STOCK AT THIS TIME Ohintoleme, ming rosaled at the latter place on Sun- t
h er get some home now occupied by D. Wam
Dentist Bay, April , jaster conducting
PRIST SUOLIS CANNOT BELED TO 2 Chow button3 205 show . Lawrence's mines
Morris, Y.
THE PRICES WE ASE OOME TO-DAY 28 Poonamie bal won 30 prors. The tether and mother long
70 Selome good all around hill on the job.
dist mit ing - 330 3
Badge is sce
n From O kumuligt
e . The S
. Het been momenchor com Strictly Pency Alsik, soch Clo
AS D. m. the Boy Scouts and ber of the woning en smar I
the bare ts roughout ve, Red Top sa Timothy See at right
me . He is sur d e
me SAW
balcon the Pounds. Being units, to whom we
s bent meth ME
o ds George Waterboom
Interesting Tom Smart Son mother is also stan ving. 5. R. Hant & Son. B., Prod wer) Books Nes George, Hurlbutt minge them Stanley Warnet, young man with the
med and Saturday, May 11th
Lend soles bottles Wohn
e Village House and Lot for Sale
A Hand Roo St, Donna Gost, right bedoee Gilille Jose
X middle age. Chunkowe, op rice Bridges, sal, but they did it, at a Big Bargain. Can't be done in. The schu
h e song a nh $1,800.00 BUYS IT NOW
Becies were, St
o pes
t en Hotit
, Chaped Sly ,
oo the chose
m itedTubi Samas, Commode de la
Solhet, whic-timur, bebe when mooie nation was held CD O NESTO
orth N
"Actions speak louder than o te that this
the h ome
words-Act-Dont Talk-Buy Now of this boond wonder
Southern N. Y. P. & Ry
point we erster Bapeben. She
Hunts' Feed Store
and Grocery
Wall Paper Window Shades
Linoleum RIGHT NEW
Prices To-day May 1.
Burt & Hayat
Auction Sale

PAGE 4 TEXT xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Uncle Sam is Waiting
och emphasis
The First National Bank
of Morris.
e Ball
Hrids the under
link to
an O
us to survive
S, C. Millard, Phon
Full Liron the bridge." W heat Flittle slippers you wear"
een grow from the placing of the first to shoe--the great steel bore on top of Was koma
know observed Curtis, "thero the pier which carries the whole true these
la in my thind about Lure to the completion of the
m oon members. When cantilever reaching out to meet
ar father's drawing companion on the other side the crent
he had
b ad made the lacing International, which was to be the tie
h old the web.
"That that bound, with web of steel, two gone thatwo very thoroughly
LOAN erent countries which lay breast to was the
no, Meade quickly. It breast: already in touch save for the question
Tery point whic
wheel I myself had mlehty river that flowed between them, condent
ther is absolutely
provided latticing
By to menns would Meade, the enough "AUTHOR "THE CHALICE OF COURAGE"
younger, have been charged with the looked in
to take up all
great responsibilities of the bridge und went on
hot AND
mitter mysell," he It not been for his exhaustive prepar. tton and wide experience.
i ght," said Curtis
Tothor lightly CIVIL ENGINEER. COPYRKOWY DY COPYRIGHT DY PLEH ough technical training at Harvard, In In
"Iened the webs and Inc. REVELL COMPANY the Lawrence Scientitle school, lind seem to
C o this afternoon. They CHAPTER I. from any town), and in the moonlight been added a substantial record of
hit as possible
the he had gated bewitched by the great achievement. A fine bridge which he leally,
wald Abbott etaphat
e trascata Love of Woman. web of steel, all its mighty tracery delle had erected in forway Burn, trium- not worr
Wind forever. You need I meetings only lived up to their entely silvered, faintly outlined, Ince phantly achieving the design despite
t that
to receive your share of the Liberty Loan. He needs your cash as anticipations, life would be a
Are Ceuke lofty, lifted high into the heavens, all sorts of difficulties, hid attracted time
o to tinish this job on sion of starting climaxes. It had been le fell into a little reverie for the attention of old Colonel
Severence, the vice pre
well as ho needs our gallant boys over thore. Let's all get together some months since Meade had
linge dent. een brief montent from which she recalled worth, the president of the startet
Tow the financial end of Helen Illingworth. He had dreamed
And make this lonn such a big success it will strike terror to our foes.
is him. Bridge company.
ning much depends upon the
date of a of meeting her every day and had ple: "Well?" she asked.
ction. tured the meeting differently and more He hind kept the young man under
Buy bond to-day. Do your bit with your cash as our boys are do"Yes, naturally," he found himself his eye for a long time. When he com- the then
"That d upon you people nt rapturously after every letter. As saying in a conventional tone of volce
If you get them
ing with their lives. minstoned his father, Bertram Mende, here to matter of fact the whole thing was it means
set it in place in short kreat deal to me. My Sr., to prepare the plans for the great order ensual and ordinary to the last degree
d Abbott. father
Toternational, the most sought for and It always is.
"We "Oh, your father." she began Indiffamous of bridges, ho hnd noted with With You
worrying about anything
Hours:9 m. to 4 pm. We pay 3 per cent interest on Certificates Doctor Severence, retired physirerently, although she knew and liked
Meade on the job, AD antistation that the older man, who bott, ale colonel genially.
of Deposit. chan, who was vice president and the great engineer,
And rent Safety Doposit Boxes stood first among bridge engineers ou "Yes, financial man, and Curtiss, the chief
o res father," said the girl. "It Is his crowning work and" the continent, hind associated with him- Er b g International has been engineer of the bridge company, were
"Your beginning."
sell his son. Meade, Jr., had recently started you scarcely been able to hard upon Miss Illingworth's heels as It is not in te, or in any engineer, returned from South America where i t
to me, I'm tired she stepped down from the car to the to begin where my father left of he he had an hown his mettle. The
of in the old thing will soon station pintornille W
i t
t will
e n wo worked together in the preparation be into that we can all go back were, surrounded by proste
the mind
of the design for what was to be the normaleniu."
crown and triumph of the older man's "I hope n ssented the colonel and the me handshakes her inter I believe you did it all," Interrupt. Hre, the most stupendous of all the and I ad the other two nien, IL WAN noted the girl
wou are right. The fact cantilever bridges in the world
h until big Abbott, who had been belated
a n obsession with us lle broke into sudden laughter, and The great engineer had a high Idea AllIt is by some sudden demand of work, came his merriment hnd that boyish ring of his only son's ability. He was will has ever andled. Indeed, it is the
higgest job the Martlet sweeping down the platform to engage
Ing to proclaim it, to maintain it, and blesest thing in the world. the attention of the men that the unix
defend it against all comers except longest
It's the lous Mende had n moment with the girl
himsele. When the two wills elushed, the heaversses the
ever the greatest span, Colonel Ingworth found himself gazColonel lingworth found himself a guishable noises that yet indicated nu. SUPREME COURT County of Otago and state
New York hersex
Award N. Niles, plaintiff
coming from that direction. In he recognized but one way. his own.
Ing wonderingly at the two. Now Helen Tllingworth had also been
"I've all about it. Interrupted
ante. In parrance of a judgment of foreclosure The fires in the machine house and in
After dinner the mennt out on the The relations between the two were the girl
and male, doly granted in the stove entitled to
t seeing visions, so that she had been as
lovely but not Ideal. There was lend-lace yo aying him into silence,"ever observation platform with their clora the engines were banked. Lazy curls and stered (Oco Connec
ha 21 day of April, PIRI Sert disappointed as he. The only real snt
ership not partnership, direction rather
Yo n it. Sometimes I think and collec Bor those that liked it of smoke rose to be blown away in the created to dement will la Isfaction that elther of them could take
than co-operation. The knowledge and
best to obsessme, too. there w
a ction at the law orice of Allon Wild something in toll ginse inmitless areas of the upper nir. In the p
there will so in the situation lay in the fact that the
a which
darkness all the unsightly evidences of the village of Morris, county of Otego, N. Y., on don't look like It,whispered for so he loved
ice tinkled when the classes perience of the boy
the 10th day of May, 1918, at 10 o'clock a other was there. It was niidsummer to call him
to the premis described in rad Jedgment, were of course nothing I laugh that
under cover of the general were gitted, but Mende declinedoll construction work were hidden. and the girl was dressed in some light,
compared to those of his father. When, Wha
her remark. three. "Oh," said the woman, drawing a room
r of land toate in the town filmy fabrle which well became her -
in discussing moot points, the younger pered
l e lice?" she whis: "With your permission. sir ho solalong breath, "I don't wonder that you of Moto with your permission, sir," he said,
the diant beauty. Meade could look at n
man had been unconvinced by the enl.
back quickly. In return.
"I am going to take MK Tullnerwarth ne to take Tullnerworth love it. Isn't It beautiful funem in bounded od described as follows to love it. Isn't It beautiful, hung up in piece of parcel Tyloglo said town of Morris, boen
the site bit of structural steel work and tell
Tot culations of the elder, he had been tell esde had no opportunity to out on the bridge. The moon is rising the air that way? One would think it des follows to wit: Begin in
the Otero Patent and I totoo Tracto you all about it. All that he could
wasn't steel but silver and gold and
wasn't steel but silver and gold and
and" Inughed to scor
the center of the Braley brook ssd running from in a good-natured have told you about the dress she wore
Time was way. His carefully set forth objecler
"I have heard so much about
and the man, when I thence on raid Patct line sooth twenty-eight do not exactly a subject for din
Sweety for chalsdevelk to was that it was exquisitely appropri
tions, even in serious matters, had been sudden er convenan
be south-eat Corber of lands formerly owned by
nid the colonel with sald the girl standing by the door loved n thing like that above every ate, but it never occurred to him that
EARL le chains h all of us here,
Las Cruttenden: from the overborne generally, and by trium- lese
opt to see it when the worken nl of us here,
thing except my father, but now- apt to see it when the workmen
ty. with a great price to a great artist
even you phant calculations of his own the fouch dear, must renlize how
In spite of herself the woman looked Lon; thesce porth tweety elgt detect nie
Les chass to the center of the Braley brook; Helen Illingworth had obtained that
ther had re-enforced himselt in his c00- go much that bridge means to us. I won't and we believe we on SAVE YOU
LOU nt him.
theace in the center of wald brook to the place of look of delightful simplicity.
for elusions; and the more strongly be- would mus that its fallure
But now?" she whispered ns he he beginning, being light chalte und eighty Hanka
contatolog elghteen res three roods and two rods The gown was not wasted on Mende,
t it would be hard for
tnted, and then she turned her head of the same more or less cause of the opposition. she decided, as she caught his ruptur
Bot holt fearful of his answer.
Also one other piece of parcel of land wante la Young Mende's position was rather ous glance. She had never looked love
"Invey known anything that
I am almost afraid to say it, he molety or a part of lof sumber three in ob anomlous. He had no direct super my father ler. She was not a fragiles ethereal
e d to fail vision of the construction. He was leade somewhat hotly.
sald, lowering his voice to match her division of Great Lotuber two to the Otego Pat
eot boended as follows: On the north by Lot Dom
two in Great Lot number two cut by part woman: quite the reverse. That was
there as resident engineer representing one of ten thousand things dende liked
his father. He had welcomed the posl. plans In spite No.
A soldier of steel," she said, and of lot number foar it wald Great Lot unter two: is why we took his
sooth by the south af of sad lot be three in about her. She could do all those ath
afraid tion because it gave him an opportu- letle and practical things that modern
"In spite nity to see from the very beginning the
what. sir? (Tarden and "Well, then, all that was the second Mald lot sumber two excepting from these twee
ty acres taken from the south-west corner, former young women can do and she could do
In spite of Curtiss here and some
now takes the third place."
ly owned by Lydis Varney. A reference to sad erection of what was to be the great others." them well.
"And before your father comes?" He Lingered About It.
thereof. The part bereby cold containing thirtyest cantilever bridge the feet of the r ur Mende was intensely practical and
a ld Meade, turning
But she did not give him time to any scres of ladd, be the same more or lor. efllclent. world had ever trod upon, the wheels to the chief weer.
belog second and third parcele described in He could do all of those she liked. He seemed to think that of the world had over rolled across
It will add
swer. "Come" she said, let us go out things himself and many more and he was was suffelent answer to that statele had followed with
Tabell to Award S. Ne on the 21st day of No anything to reace of mind, I will the utmost issum my
"It's n rough place for you. Those Vember, 1007, od daly recorded in the Otto liked to do them, and that is one un bient, for he went on quickly
hare of responsibility
County Clerk's office on the 2M day of November eare, constantly reporting the prog. Cor the matter. You know the books
20. In Book No or Deeds, Al pare 210 son why he had been attracted to her: "How long shall you stay?" ress to his father, every step taken by Schmidt.chemnitz, the great Ger
W I And in spite of himself he could not under the superintendence of Abbott, man bride neler?
CALI He looked down, and as if in obedi- day of April, 1918.
Dated at the village of Mont, NY the oth yet not for that alone did he love her. And in spite of himself he could not under the superintendence On that sort summer afternoon she keep his anxiety out of his voice.
ence to his glance she outthrust her
MERRITT HIRIDGES, Referee a ton of great practical ability as an
Alton I. Winn, plstoties attorney. looked as subtly delicate as every man "I think father's going on to the city
foot from her gown. It was not the
Omce od p.addrera, Morrik NY erector, but of much less capacity as would at one time or another have the sometime tomorrow-probably in the
"At first I then is, wethought that
Bine atir smallest foot that ever upbore n wom
on. Quite the contrary. Which is not woman he loves appear, and as far morning."
there might The Sibly be weakness in
ay it was on laran, at alte STATE OP YOLSUPRENE.COM moved from things strenuous as if in 'If in Wende's face fell. tecked them with the methods he ad- NUT MARGARINE
00: e or her helght and fig
, Y. llobart Moore, Indian another world! He was wearing the "So soon as that? vocates nud the submitted the figures
ure, and its shape and shoe left noth admirator of the state of Jennie L. Moore, de
Ytoyd M, Moore, Edith II. Moore and Milrough clothes, flannel shirt, khald trom "I will try to per unite him
to my father, and then he went through
ton M Moore, defendanta. which der. I've won lots of bridges built sers, heavy whoes and legs
GILT EDGE Ding to be desired. "Never mind the slippers
in pr he whole calculation and applied co
she said:
o f jedent of foreclosure and
Rale, dalysted in the above cotitled action, and were his habitual use at worlt. Con but never one like the International
ficlents lie fell to be sa
they are stronger than they look. entered in the Lego County Clerk's omice on the trusted with her fimy and delicately and I should enjoy standing by and
12th day of April, 101B, I. Percy J. Thomax, then
F They'll serve." "I'm willing to take your father's
der god. referee In maid judgment med, will colored fabrie his well-worn olle watching you world."
But the distance between here and sell at public action at the front door of the Pitte drab habiliments stood forth hideously. "I don't do the work. Abbott does
judgment in the matter rather than
feld Town Hall at lobokea is the two of Pitt Schmidt-Chennite or anybody's, sala
the bridge Is Inches deep in dust."
feld, county of O O, NY on the 31st day of That is, he thought so, and the con- that, and the men, of course."
Curtis, o sucessol has been hilsen
"Dust!" she exclaimed in dismay. May, 1918. At one o'clock D. m., the premises trust somehow seemed typical of the "Your work in the work that makes reer
All that tractor parcel of land taste in the difference between them as he consid. Tossible and profitable the labor of the
town of Pitteld, county of O dust"
go and state of "Now that I have seen the members
ed New York. briedy dercribed followe: Boended ered her. other, she answered
"I never thought of that," admitted "You plan, you In pince I have doubt that they will
the north by lands of Charles Perkins on the There was the careless Insouciance lead, the rest only follow. By the
stand," said the colonel.
the man. "The fact is I have thought cast by Inode of Joseph Mumbalo on the south
n of conscious power in the bearing of way. father told me to ask you and
of nothing but you since I you Sure they w
by lande formerly owned by Robert Taylo ilded Abbott with
of nothing but you since I SAW you, the west by lands of Charles Fadley containing the engineer which disrentiated him Mr. Abbott to dine with us tonight in
but now we'll have to go back or wixty (0) Acre more or less, sod belog the name
Supreme mrd contous confidence in from most of the men with whom she the car."
sunce which cred even Mende to
I shall not go back, she answered ber to George W. Matteron dated August 12. 1900, had been thrown in contact during her Meade's mood changed into positive
and recorded in the Olgo County Clerk's office belleve.
In Book of Deeds at pure 310. life. The International Bridge was the gloom.
or course we all know," sald Doe
He stepped down of the platform, Datal at the village of New Berlin, S. Y., this biggest thing of the kind the Martlet "I can't." he said dejectedly. "I
tor Severence, who had been lone
and before she knew what he would be 10th day of April, 1918
PERCY J. THOMAS, Referee. company or any other American strue. I haven't any clothes, neither has Ab
nt, he lifted her stralght up in his Arthur W. More plainteatteri nough in touch with engineering O
1017 tural plant had ever undertaken.
arms. He did not carry her like
New Berlin, N.Y. It bott. We left our dress sults behind
learn much about it. "that there is nlhad been a constant tople of conversus when we came into the wilderness
baby. he held her erect, crushed tion wherever her father was. She to work."
wys more or less of experimenting In
against his breast, and before she had had heard all about it, and although, "Oh," she laughed. "What difference
the design of a neething like this."
time to utter a protest, or even to say
"Yes," said the colonel, but we strictly speaking, the bridge was the does that make? Come just as you are.
word, he started through the dusty work of Meade, Sr., yet she always It will be a relief. I like you that way.
Ion't want our experiment to fall in
roadway toward the bridgehend.
00000 tils Instance, Identified it with Meade, Jr. There was I get so tired of black and white," she
It was a strange position. She knew feeling in her mind that it was her went on quickly to prevent him from
They won't," sd the young man They Saw Her Round, Red, Full Face.
she ought to protest, but the words boldly.
IS YOUR HOME BRIGHT bridge and that, through him, she com- taking advantage of her incautious ad It Had Been a part of His Life.
since the sum-total in which they could would not come. Whilst she was try. manded it. She was a supremely as mission.
He had long sinco persuaded himself be together was so small, was mo- ing to think them up, they had crossed
AFTER DARK? sured and entirely confident young
a scientific designer or office engineer that he had been all wront and his "Hing the clothes," said the man,
ment lost.
the little desert that intervened be It's not as cheerful and comfortlady, yet with the man by her side she radiant once more in that admission,
seade hnd watched its daily growth father all rights that he entered other nll right. Now," she snid, coming out of the tween the portal of the bridge and the
able as it can be until you've inexperienced a passing sense of unensi. "since you will allow it, I will come with the closest attention. Like every upon his defense and the defense of
stalled electric light-"The Sundoor of the car and descending the end of the platform. Then he set her other man in similar case, the work the bridge with enthusiasm. He was ness, such as one might conceive the with what I can rake upBut you'll
light of Night
steps toward him, eagerly expectant. down gently. butterfly would feel in the presence of have to tell me which fork to use. I bad got into his blood. It had become ready to break a line with anybody
"I want a prize for my swiftness,
"Thank you," she said simply, that The only clean, saf, oderless, con 1 part of his life. He loved the bridge on Its belum a stem hammer. have nlmost forgotten out here in the
nient form of Home Illumination "A prizelreturned the man, "why, was very nice of you. You are won
"Well," began the colonel, we have They were as awkward and cou wilderness." ret more he loved Helen Illingworth.
you've been gone years, and you derfully strong." strained when left to themselves as if
overy confidence in your father and in
CHAPTER II. "It Isn't six months since you were
haven't even changed your gown. You The moon, by this time, had passed
you. I don't mind telling you, Meade, one had not been all over the world at our house."
can't go out on a bridge in that gown the floor level and the cross-bracing on man's Jobs for a decade and the
It need not go any further, thnt when
The Witness for the Defense. "Six months! It's a thousand years,"
and those slippers, tramping over dirty cast a network of shadows over them, ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT other had not queened it among the lhe on, and I'going to take you
One of the pleasant evidences of the this bridge is completed we shll be tracks, ples of steel, rough wooden upon track and floor beams and strin
places genuine Dion Beetle Light nicest girls of the land for hal as out on the bridge after dinner. possession of riches is in the luxury prepared to make you Dersonally
planks, paint and
ers. The silence of the half-light, the It's
libin ay reach of the most dla
Some and the moderate paranda many years. And with thought bur rent at any time. It's the most mag of a private car. Although Colonel very ndvantageous offer for future re
a mystery of it all oppressed them
"Can't 17" she said: you just see Ing. passionate, and words efabarrass-nificent sight on earth even now, but Illingworth was personally man of Intions with the utlet company Ir
lightea lor Al home Hitle. It was with beating hearts that "I hate to see you soll your dress
The de Nietel On the strength
) Ingly torrential at hand to give them in the moonlight--there it is now," he simple tastes ns become an old come you care to necep
they pressed on.
I (To Be Continued.)
with many year capacity G utternce, they only spoke common pointed as the little group walked past paigner, there was no Appointment of your probable nocentence we are al. he said uncertainly as she stone
Really what gown on curth was
ready planning to vinture Into certain places!
Really what that wit could devise or that money
wrth in the station which had in
an hour of her society? At the view
trattatharto could hmy which was looking to make forentields which have
least that is the way he felt about it. "How is the bridge getting along
STAND BY OUR FIGHTING MEN. and the kreat structure saddenly was
not felt it to our inteto enter. asked the sim, repenting her father's revealed to them.
his private car elther more comfortnble
That is mostl y ou. Colonel nad evidently she felt the same way words of few minutes before, as or more luxurious in its napery, Flass.
"It is settled, then," she said. lip From the four men ahend had stopped
hundreds of thousands of
worth," said theyoung man crute these two Yell behind the others mareh- and stood silent. There was something
china and silver the dining tasted fully and it is to me very ping her
through his as they American farms in answer to the call ing down the long platform, while the l ensirine and tremendonghanted not to apologize to any other any
walked down the long wooden plat of their country and in obedience to where. The colonel WAN most pune strongly. I have been associated with One standing by the private er with the great n ck, outreaching for tous In dressing his art and
form nenr the siden. At the end of the law of their country American
ende nther Intterly. He wants to retire porter look curiously after thre
extending e
or wteel. The first let and Abbott were both scrubbed to of weel. The first lehtand Abbott were both
the platform, as they turned about the boys have gone and today Rre fighting
crubbed to with the completion of the bridge and ove group and wondered i n of it alw a ye the beholder nun within inch of their lives but before I open any one of my own
temporary station and storehouse, beside by side with hundreds of thousrny-green.o lesced young man was shock. It was so hoce, so massive, so climalne whom the bride their hands should like the advantage o
climbing about the bridge, their hands should like the ndyan o further fore them rose the bridge. The moon the ran for the New York gown
sands of American boys from the cities It's doing splendidly." was the an grandly majestie, and withal so nirs were scratched
were scratched, roughened, stained and experience. Such b ertion as youWIN rising over the high hills that and towns of the country, confronting (swer, and even with his heart full of
seen against the impressive background for Aside from that Wonde waar propose seems to me taldeal from sprang up from the steep cllmilke bankdanger and death.
of deep gorge nud palisaded wall and tainly most presentable, and old Abthe girl by his side whom he longed
my point of view. No loan could hnve of the other side of the vast river. of
The duty of us who remain at home to clasp in his arms but did not evenit in its erect proportion that even such matters looked the able and powfar of mountains. So ether-borne was bort. In spite of the indifference to any better backing that the Martlet
They saw her round. red. fall face in safety to afford the means to make dare touch the hem of her garment. dull and stupid people and none ofertal man he was
Bridge company." through an Interlacing tracery of steell these boys powerful and victorions is
To Remove Rusted Nails some little enthusiasm came into his
we shall look on to be the lower part of the bridge was still a most imperative one.
With soldering iron, candle flame or these were that felt it overpowering The conversation at dinner was at worthy of it. sold the colonel kindly.
indle In deep shadow. Indeed, the moon had volce"It is the greatest bridge that
Buy Liberty Bonde versation at dinner wasnt worthy of It," and the presence. Seade and the girl stopped trat light and frivolous.
blow torch, heat the head of the rusted was ever erected," he said,
Tils glance vaguely Comprehended Just cleared the hills of the opposite
all or screw which you wish to retoo. After one glance at the bridge, How you love it." said the girl.
"T'm lost. ben Abbott, "overnow. his daughter as he she looked at him. And that was typ-ered with all this silver and glass and
bank of the great porke cut by the Patronize "Wants and For Sale" i tuove and it will come out easily. Did Meade love the bridge? Ah,
lingworth was Ical. For the first time he was not at china,
broad river flowing swiftly in Its dark
man. The there could be no doux as to that the moment ware of, or immediately
Martlet Bridge company
ness far below. At the farther end of
yes Te had studied its growth Hour by
taughed Mende. we should his heart, but he had mat
the suspended arm extending for over responsise to her glance. And that have hraneht alone our omnite
other in la t er the top of the traveler glishour. As the great steel web rose, his too, wis typical. She noted this with and ineunthen we would be free unlly be the mistress of
are terests. His only daughter and eventheart expanded with it. He took pride one of Jealousy
tened. The cantilever on the opposite eat for
The following are from voluntary testimonials by perIn It even more when they began to from the dreadful fear that we are go-tune
shore, Incomplete and sunk under a "You love the bridge," she salding to drop something or break some. This means were limited compared to tende was not poor, of course,
sons you know, who have used Gregory's U-Z-IT push the suspended span across the softly
high rise of sand, was still in shadow
Ointment and speak from experience. thing." river on the outer end of the completed
Colonel Mingworth's great pertane, but and not yet discernible.
Elave med it in our family and tod it infallible for stor Cantley towaltstellow rising on e stmistened up and threw his You can brenk anything you like what he had earned Say
Unwittingly the woman drew a little
beror, CO , saved,nd Invest
And brus
Lault head back and looked at her. the other side. He lingered about it sala the colonel with heavy piensan Hd was sufficientes
near the man. He became more com
Elave ned it on botes for wounds and catches and on coafor when the rest of the watenda world
cow pox and crackett, Frank Edmunds I thought so, he said simply-un- try. so long as the bridge stands. And he would inherit
scious than before of the light touch it much more Old
Aptation of UZ It three times completely cared one of my cow which was concerned with it had with tl today, but now
And that is one that he stopped nenin. And thnt is going to be forever, Isn't Mende had not been the
of her hand upon his arm. It was very
of eaked odder. Er farber should have it on hand LWL Glord "But now?" she asked. TIL, Mr, Meade" asked Helen quickly, neer of his generation for In. still where they stood. The Shack
U drawn to rest Frequently late in the
r e care for
CD Blocham. night he had arisen and had left the "I have Just learned what love really "I don't think nnything bullt by man dependent and seller
king were relieved
Polonhande from preparing peppes for of the workmen had been erected be sectio n
of all borelog in two boarby U20 Mar Garder. sheet.fron shack he occupied near the is and the lesson has not been taught Will survive quite that long," he an. Mende could not be
considered for low the bridge about a quarter of a
coder U-z-It the greatest reducer of intammation I ever end work for the topography of the land me by n bridgehe answered directly, swered as much to her father and the tune hunter by any
dy. He was the mile to the right along the banks of
and I have ned it with remarkable realis, George Myer. and the course of the river had deter Yet Bertram Meade, the younger, did others as to her, but this gives every
man to whom nm
the little nituent of the main strenin likes to
decent father mined the location of the bridge for truly love the bridge which he had I promise of Insting its time."
Intrast his dauch
Drop A postal card to A H. Gregory, Garrattsville, N. his daughter Old They could hear faint but Indistin
1., for a Free Sample Box for trial
Con Taon
G. B. Folts,
the rainate others die hele star
H. W. BAGG, Agent, New Berlin
the iso la nis are
are one
of her into his
that create
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