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Postcard 16, West Main St with Texaco Station in distance on East Main.

Image shared by Peggy Knapp McCrea -- comments as noted in discussion on Facebook in January 2016.

Rene M Elliott
The license plates would suggest it is NOT 1947, 1950, 1953, 1954, 1957. If the large numbers are at top of the plate, black numbers on yellow, it is possibly 1951, 1952, 1958, 1959. (they added a black tag on the lower right corner in 1952 and 1959, I can't see the photo that well). Note the top of the Naylor Co. still has the fancy architecture and finial knobs, since removed.

Natasha Stojanovic
Take away the cars and it doesn't look much different today.

Rene M Elliott
That is a 1948-53 Chevy fuel delivery truck, too far away to see if it has the push button door handles they switched to in 1952, or what company owned the truck. The newest looking car is just poking out of the door at the Naylor Co.?

Peter Jacobsen
Look how nice the Morris Inn looks.

Bob Thomas
What year did Morris get the traffic light at the four corners?

Rene M Elliott
I don't know when they went to a suspended one, (c. 1930?) but it was around 1924 or so the state put up a freestanding "automated traffic policeman" in the intersection, when a driver of one of Jim McNitt's trucks with a trailer encountered it for the first time in the early morning hours and knocked it over. After that it became a challenge to push it over with a car bumper in the middle of the night, especially for the truck driver who got so much grief about it the first time.

Bob Thomas
Looks like a man standing in the intersection directing traffic in this photo.

Rene M Elliott
and a ghost of a woman crossing too!

Rene M Elliott
Left to right Chevrolet? poking out of Naylor's garage, 1950? Plymouth, 1949? Chevrolet tank truck, 1949? Dodge (or Chevrolet?) sedan, 1947 Mercury? Can't tell what is parked in front of the barber shop (stone building), next car up past the Texaco is a Nash? (with man standing in front).

Rene M Elliott
The big issue with the Naylor Co. building, is did the top decorations get removed because of the fierce Nov. 1950 hurricane winds that tipped over so many trees? I was hoping this is a post-1950 image for that reason, but there is nothing definitive that stands out, I wish more of that Chevrolet in the garage was visible.

Rene M Elliott
OK it would appear that is the tail of a 1952 or later Chevrolet at Naylor's? Which dates the photo after the 1950 storm.

Rene M Elliott
And further guessing, based on what is visible of license plates, it has to be 1952, and it almost looks like the catalpa tree by the post office is in bloom?

Cheryl Card Yatsonsky
I love these pictures thank you for posting

Peggy Knapp McCrea
You are welcome, Cheryl. I enjoy hearing our FB Morris historians elaborate on the history of the know, all that neat stuff I was too bored to pay attention to while growing up. "We grow old too soon and wise too late."

Bob Thomas
"Too soon old and too late smart" is another way that I have heard that put.

On Ebay this postcard was offered for sale and both sides were shown. This one was mailed on September 2, 1960.

Mr. Ralph J. Lull stands in front of his Texaco service station.