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Glass Plate Negatives - set 13

A photo of part of a printed page. Was the photographer just experimenting or are these friends and/or relatives?

A whole page from the listing of the Students' Concert Company. Is Florence Jarvis one of the wading
women in this photo?

Found references to Cora Genung Chamot in a number of places -- one was in this book on page 414.

Genung, Ganong, Ganung Genealogy: A History of the Descendants of Jean Guenon of Flushing, Long Island
by Leon Nelson Nichols
A.W. Heinrich's Printing Company, 1906 - 711 pages

The full book is available at

Cora Ellen, b. Oct. II, 1874— . Born at
Besemer, N. Y. Graduate of Ithaca (N. Y.)
High School, 1893. Studied piano and vocal
music at the Ithaca Conservator>' of Music 3 years.
Studied music in Paris under Madame Marchesi,
1897-8. Soloist at Sage Chapel and member of
Congregational Church Choir for past four years.
Has done concert work in surrounding cities.

The book contains these photographs of Cora, her father and her brother.

Lena Gertrude Marsh shows up as a student at the Ithaca Conservatory of Music in
this display ad in the Cornell Univ, Cornellian, Vol 31, pg 5

The Students Concert Company played a tremendous number of concerts according to this article on page 3
of Lexington Gazette, Volume 99, Number 12, 25 March 1903
online at