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The Social Areas of Otsego County

To read the book click on the PDF file linked below.

History of the Butternut Valley by Morris Union school student Minnie B. Rockwell

The Morris Chronicle offered a prize for the best history of the Butternut Valley written by a student. You can read the result as it appeared in the March 26, 1890 edition of the paper.'

Filers Corners Schoolhouse

Sometimes schoolhouses are moved, even if they are made of stone. Follow the links below to learn more.

Some terms the teacher, namely, Will S. Hopkins, would have a full school, say 41 students.

Otsego County Cemetery Map, 2015

Below is a portion of the map. To see the whole map click on the link to the PDF below this image.

Watson House

The 1883 fire on Main St took out about 12 buildings including outsbuildings.

One building lost was run by the Watson Family who rebuilt after the fire. It later was renamed the Kenyon House.

Otsego County Public Areas

Ever hear of the Oil City State Forest in Otsego County, NY? It was news to me, too, but there is such a place!

To get a better look at the map use the link below. The map was produced by the Otsego County Planning Department on January 21, 2012.


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