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1984 Otsego County Map and 2000 Otsego County Map

There was a time when Otsego County printed and distributed county maps.

I have photos of some of the maps. Click on the links below to view them.

More Otsego County, NY maps are on the county site.

Morris Fifth Grade Presents Play in Costume in 1938

Middle Ages Brought to Life by Morris School Fifth Graders
Depicting life in the Middle Ages in connection with their study of history, fifth grade pupils of the Morris central school recently presented an assembly program in costume.

1919 Linn Tractor

Demonstrating a Linn tractor with semi trailer sled to the Oxford Basket Factory in Oxford, NY, which purchased it for hauling hardwood for berry, fruit and vegetable baskets, until about 1932 when cardboard containers became cheaper. On the right, is H.H. Linn, founder and inventor, on left is his brother Ellery who demonstrated/delivered and even worked as a tractor sales agent in the early years.

Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant

After a visit to Grant Cottage on Mt. McGregor in October, 2023 I located these Memoirs.

Grant was arrested by a former slave while President for driving his carriage too fast in Washington, DC.


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