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David Met Goliath on the banks of the Butternut Creek

Goliath met David on the banks of the Butternut Creek


Lest We Forget & For Those Who Do Not Know -

Gilbertsville, NY, at the S.W. end of the historic Butternut Valley in Otsego County, just celebrated the 44th anniversary of (1973) National Register of Historic Places recognition and the 34th

anniversary of (1982) N.R.H.P. recognition of the entire village as an Historic District. When the recognition of the entire village as an

Benjamin Weston, Patriot, (1748 - 1818)

The PDF linked below is an interesting 5 page article with footnotes about the life of Benjamin Weston.

Coach Joan Martin

1970 MCS Yearbook - Mrs. Martin, her first appearance in an MCS Yearbook

Joan's father, John Hane, was a math teacher at Poland Central School. Joan was an only child. She graduated from Poland Central School in 1954 and from Cortland State University just three years later in 1957. She married Joe Martin in 1958.

1971 MCS Yearbook Photo -- and who can help explain the caption "You dum-dum?"

Coach Gary Jacobsen

1969, President of his graduating class - with lots of things to do other than preside!

1967, Gary was in 10th grade and played the trombone.

1983 Boys Varsity Basketball

Coach Ray Clement

Ray Clement loved to spend free time fishing. He didn't always catch fish -- but he enjoyed his time outdoors. He was a friend to Draper Daniels, a model for Don Draper in the TV series Madman about advertising executives in the late 1950s and 1960s.

Ken Stowell collected Ray's comments about local fishing holes in the booklet he created. Follow the link below to read it.

Butternut Creek at Morris Stream Gage

At one time and for a long time, say from the 1930's until 1995, there was a USGS Stream Gauge on the Butternut Creek near the Broad St. Bridge. I asked Rene Elliott if he had any photos of the gaging station. Turns out he has the station, but not the inner works and some photos.

The sycamore tree Rene saved is prominent in the above view of the Franchot house before the fire.


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