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Aerial Surveys by Henry DeWolf

Looking west on Main St.

This is just a hint of what you can see if you choose to click on the file with same title below but without the -800 at the end. Zoom in and tell us what year this is from!

You might enjoy the high resolution photos better if you download them to your machine and don't have to wait for the web to catch up with your scrolling around in them.

Many thanks to Larry Gardner for loaning me the prints to scan.

Ethel Mary (Miller) White -- WWII Cadet Nurse

Obituary of Ethel M White

Date of Death: Friday, April 30, 2010

Residence: Stevensville, MT

Age: 85

1942 Morris Central School postcard

In 1942 measles closed the Morris Central School for a month, as Betty Jean Olds told her friend Dolores Herr out in Silverton, Oregon.

Susan Gaughan Rowe shared this stationery on FaceBook on February 6, 2018 on Morris, NY - Historically speaking.

1996 200th Anniversary for the Morris Post Office

Image shared by Rene Elliott

First look at Post Office in current location.


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