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Butternut Woolen and Cotton Mill

For a time before 1880 this mill, which was located at the bend in East River Rd just before you get to Weaver's Farm Market, employed a large number of men, women, and children spinning wool and cotton into thread. The raw materials were brought by ox cart at times from the Hudson River at Catskill or from the Erie Canal near Ilion.

Larger versions of the photo can be accessed via the links below.

1860-1894 Union School, Morris, NY

Union School 1860 - 1894 in a Carey photo on a postcard. The image is 4 inch by 3 inch on a card 5.5 x 3.5 inches.

The back of the card which was never mailed there is a note written by pencil.
"where I went to school
Lillian Wood"

1976-02-27 Rita Shampnois started a new career at age 81

Before the internet and before facebook many people got their news from newspapers. Local news was handled by correspondents like Rita Shampnois. Thanks to Mary Valentine for the clipping from The Oneonta, NY, The Daily Star, Feb 27,1976. Rita's phone has a dial on it! From the days when we dialed numbers.

1970 Centennial Photo of the "Jail" shared by Jim Foote.

Read the facebook comments about this photo by clicking on the PDF file linked below.

1970 Centennial Slides from Costello Family

Cliff Costello shared these slides on Facebook during June, 2017 they were taken by his father in 1970 at various Morris Centennial events.

H. H. Linn was still showing movies in 1916

Most likely that the ad was supposed to tout 5 reels of film -- not 5 reals.


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