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1883 Painting of Hargrave Lake by Grace Ferris Moore

?Kevin J. Dragulski? shared this on Morris, NY - Historically speaking

Hargrave Lake from my great Great grandmother Grace Ferris Moore's (1858-1915) perspective. Painted by her in Morris in 1883. Her father Thomas was a furniture/picture frame maker in Chicago's early days. This is one of his frames.

1906 postcard New Lisbon Church

Alexandra Stocker set off a great discussion when she shared this 1906 postcard shown above.

Sleuthing challenge. Whose initials do you think the letter writer's belong to?
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13 You, Michael Parsons, Kevin J. Dragulski and 10 others
Janet Pegg Borchardt
Janet Pegg Borchardt it was such a pretty church.....
Like · Reply · 1 · March 1 at 5:06pm
Rennie M Elliott

New Lisbon, School District #1, Noblesville

Circa 1915

This school was closed due to lack of students in the fall of 1938. The remaining students rode the bus to Morris Central School.

Lt. Colonel Henry W. Bunn

You may go from Morris to China and back without a problem and then one day a patch of ice in Oneonta does you in. See the attached NY Times article.

Morris Central School, leaded glass above some old doors

Leaded glass above the entrance to the Morris Central School. I didn't realize I had also captured a reflection of the flag on the pole out in front of the school. 2017-February-10

2017 February 10, Vistas from Bourne Hill Rd.

Click on an image to enlarge it some, click again to go really big -- use back feature to return.


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