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A Danish Invasion into Otsego County

Danish farmers found upstate New York land prices favorable in the second decade of the 1900's. They even brought their own pastor. Read the articles in The Morris Chronicle from 1912 and 1914.

1966, Why Not Swim the Susquehanna River?

How many people would consider spending 4 weeks swimming down the Susquehanna River a good use for the their summer vacation?

During the summer of 1966 Russell H. Chaffee thought it was the perfect thing to do.

You can read about his successful swim in the attached page of the July 14, 1966 Otsego Farmer newspaper from Cooperstown, NY.

1982-03-01 Morris Foundry Fire

This was the top of the front page of The Daily Star of Oneonta, NY on March 2, 1982, the day after fire destroyed the foundry in Morris, NY.

You can view pdfs of the full front page and page 3 with more photos by clicking on the links below.

Some other views of the foundry property can be seen using the links below the PDFs. These buildings were used to manufacture Linn tractors from approximately 1916-1937.

The long epitaph in memory of Margaret (Brown) Cathcart

The Morris Zion Episcopal Church is celebrating the 100th anniversary of the building of their current church. One event that was part of the celebration was a workshop on gravestone cleaning and resetting held in the Harmony Cemetery, which was adjacent to the original site of their church.

One of the stones cleaned was that of Margaret (Brown) Cathcart who died on May 30, 1805. Below is a photo of the cleaning in progress. I had to leave before it was completed. A better photo of the cleaned stone will be posted here and on

Solomon Lafayette Eldred (1825-1893)

Lifestory from one family tree. See attached PDF.


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