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First National Bank of Morris blotters

Before the days of the inexpensive ballpoint pen people used pens with ink that had to flow easily.
The ink didn't always dry quickly so to prevent smearing people would "blot" the ink.
Some banks gave out free ink blotters just for this purpose. Five ink blotters loaned
by Rene Elliott are shown here. Some were used and if so the back side is also shown.
Most had no dates, but a few were from 1953 when the First National Bank of Morris, NY
celebrated its "Sixtieth Year of Sincere Service."

1957 MCS Junior Band with names

Barbara Knapp Weaver, MCS Class of 1964, supplied the photograph of the 1957 Junior Band and the names of those in the photograph.

1957 MCS 6th Grade composite photo

Barbara Knapp Weaver, MCS Class of 1964 shared this composite photograph of her brother, Tom's, 6th grade class.

1953 Morrisanian, Mrs. Wassenaar and her first grade class.

The names of the children do not appear with the photograph in the yearbook.
Mrs. Mabel Wassenaar is on the far right and Mrs. Mae Milliken is on the far left.

From the 1955 Morrisanian, Mrs. Hilsinger's combined 3rd & 4th grade class

Barbara Knapp Weaver shared this photo on FaceBook on the site, Morris, NY - Smalltown USA.

From The Oneonta Star, May 23, 1970:

MORRIS -- Plans for retirement of two long-time teachers in the Morris Central. School system, Mrs. Lulu Hilsinger and Mrs. May Milliken, have been disclosed by the Board of Education.


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