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Hannah Cooper Monument

Memorial to Hannah Cooper located on NYS Route 51 two miles south of the village of Morris, NY. The text below is carved in the sculptured marble monument which takes the shape of a single pillar supporting a large urn.

For thee, sweet maid!
Resplendent beams of thought,
Wisdoms rich love,
By Seraphs hands, were given,
Thy spotless soul
Thy pure effulgence caught,
It sparkled, was exhaled -
And went to Heaven.

Twas thine

West Burlington NYS 51 and NYS 80 Western Intersection

An old real picture postcard of the NYS 51 and 80 intersection in West Burlington with a sign that said, "Garrattsville, 4 1/2 Mi, Morris 12 1/2 Mi." You are also warned not to drive in one track and create ruts in the road. The building in the photo looks the one that still stands at the corner and has served as a store at times, but now is just a home. Here's a more recent photo and the postcard front and back. A bit of tinkering with the doors and windows has taken place but structure is unchanged.

Links to NYS Newspaper pages

The end of World War I is a major story in column 1. The Roll of Honor is on the far right.

The Freeman's Journal which covered Otsego County is now digitized and available with full search index function for the years 1819-1922. Many other newspapers are on this site, too.
this link also works

New York State Historical Photos & Newspapers
1795 Thru 2007
More Data Is Added Every Sunday Night!

Main St, 138, McWilliam's Hardware, Morris Hall of Frames

138 Main St Two-story, two-bay, frontal-gable frame commercial building with later Italianate false front. Recessed storefront retains paired wood doors with glazed upper panels and display windows dating to the Italianate period; upstairs façade has bracketed frieze andretains windows with two-over-two wood sash and wood clapboard siding. Sides and back of building also retain wood clapboards. Built I 840s; remodeled 1865-85.

Historic map references: 1856: Watch shop; 1868: Store WRB; 1903: Mrs. A. Simmons;1916: storage

Main St, 136, W. R. B.Wing Store

136 Main St Two-story, frontal-gable frame commercial building (constructed 1832) with later, three-bay, flat-roofed wing extending commercial space eastward on Main St. Two-story, frontal-gable western portion built earlier. Eastern section retains Italianate false front with small single brackets in frieze; storefronts may reuse historic configuration, but all historic materials replaced. Built 1832; later Italianate east wing added 1860-1870s.


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