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90 Broad St

One owner of this house was Dr. Merritt Matteson. Learn more about him at this link.

An earlier owner was W. R. B. Wing, who had a store on the corner of Broad and Main which is now Lovett's Pizzeria Pub and Grill

Burlingame Falls on Aldrich Creek in Morris, NY

These falls are at the ruin of a dam on Burlingame Rd. on the Aldrich Creek.

This detail of an 1868 map of Morris shows the two mills at the Burlingame Falls on Aldrich Creek. Tracy Burlingame ran both a saw mill and a cider using water from the dam.

1896 Sherburne Illustrated

A useful book published in 1896 about Sherburne, Chenango County, New York, Sherburne Illustrated. Click on the link below to download the PDF.

A photograph from page 28 of the book showing Moak's Tannery. Could those be hides stacked outside?

The handsome cover of Sherburne Illustrated.

Cardtown, part of Pittsfield, NY

In the New Berlin Gazette for November 6, 2019, in The Early Files section on page 5 there is a mention of some rough going for a pair of Linn tractors.

November 1, 1919
"A Linn tractor came to the mill in Cardtown after a load of lumber. Recent rains had made the mud very deep near the mill and the caterpillar became buried. A second one came to the rescue and suffered the same fate. As a result the two remained fast until the morning."

Winter View of Water St.

Scan of an N. W. Carey glass plate showing his home on snow covered Water Street from the New Berlin Turnpike. If you look closely you can see Zion Episcopal Church in the background. Also the widow's walk on top of the Morris Inn with a flag on the pole. Click on the image to enlarge it.


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