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South East Corner of Broad and Main Streets, Morris, NY

I think that I can read Volney J. Hoke on the sign on the building if I vary the brightness and contrast.

Detail of Hoke store from above postcard. The building we now call the Morris Inn was once known as The Gardner House and the sign is in the image above, but not the Inn.

Bank at Corner of Main & Broad St.

The photograph above does not match the ads below because there were no postcards or utility poles in 1865.

2010 Winter Scenes from hill on north side of village

South from a snowmobile trail between County Highway 13 and Upper Church St.

A little later with sun fading.

Center of the panorama.

1964 September 4, Looking east on West Main St.

A photo that appeared in the Press-Bulletin of Binghamton, NY some years ago.

Note all the telephone wires overhead and the TV antennas reaching for a signal. The lightning protection on the Morris Inn is good, too.


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