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Main St, 132 Bank Building

2020-02-24 photo of Community Bank at 132 Main St.

Main St, 128 Weeden's Harness Shop

November 6, 1907, The Morris Chronicle.

2020-02-24 View of building where Weeden's Harness Shop was located. The facade has changed. Compare to photo below.

A Civil War era Morris NY manuscript

A Civil War era Morris NY manuscript that Alexandra (Sanderson) Stocker inherited from her great-grandmother. It was created by her aunt, Evelyn (Cruttenden) Sheff and some other young adults of Morris NY in 1861. The original is tied with silk ribbon and bound with tin pins (which you can see in the scans). Please click on the link at the bottom of this page to download the PDF of manuscript.

Evening Star, Vol. 1, No. 8
7 June 1861
Morris, Otsego Co., New York

Main St, 113 - Nathaniel Stevenson Shoe shop

An image of 113 Main from September, 2008.

from February 20, 1871 - The Morris Chronicle.

1947 Dr. Naylor Employees go to lunch, Shipping at Morris Post Office

1947, Dr. Naylor and employees crossing Main St on their way to De Long's Restaurant.

1947, Morris Postmaster Lee Starr and clerk Jane Knickerbocker check Naylor shipments. Lee Starr was the postmaster in Morris from 1935 until 1950.


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